Blessing- Draco Malfoy

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"You're muttering again," Pansy said, looking up from a couple bottles of nail polish. "What do you think: the red or the green?" She held out the choices in front of him.

Draco scoffed. "I do not mutter-- and if you must know, I like the green. But you don't understand! How would you feel if you had to ask Potter for his sister's hand in marriage?"

"You're right; I don't understand. Why are you even asking?"

"Because he's Y/n's family! And I want her to be happy. If Potter doesn't approve, well, she'll be miserable. She would want her brother to be at her wedding." Draco sat down heavily next to Pansy. She shot him a glare as some of her polish was smudged before she went to work on fixing it. "I have the ring. I love her. I just need his blessing."

"He wasn't happy when you started dating, which is true, but you have been together for four years now. Friends for even longer. Potter would be a fool for not seeing that."

Draco knew that Pansy was right. He sighed, "I am worried what people will think. A Potter and a Malfoy so soon after the war? The media will say I put Y/n under the Imperious Curse and it's a plot to get my revenge on the Boy-Who-Lived. And I'll have to ask the Weasleys."

"If you're going to have that attitude, maybe he'll say no."

"I don't have an attitude!"

"Yes, you do! Now go ask Potter for Y/n's hand before I throw this vial of nail polish at you."



Within a blink of an eye, Draco found himself outside the chaotic but welcoming Devon home of the Weasleys. Harry and Y/n had been taken in by the generosity of the Weasleys after the war. Draco had attempted to create a relationship with them but felt that the existence of the Dark Mark and their history with his father would make it difficult.

Draco still felt bad about the way he, personally, treated the Weasleys and Potter. Perhaps he should apologize again before he asked for Y/n's hand.

He drummed his fingers anxiously against the side of his pant leg. It was now or never, he might as well knock. And so he stepped up to the door and let his knuckles rap against the wood three times.


The door opened and Draco saw Molly. He dipped his head respectfully. "Hello, Mrs. Weasley. Is Y/n here?"

"N-no, I'm afraid she's gone out with Ginny." Molly softened as she mentioned her daughter and Y/n, who may as well been adopted by the Weasley family.

"And Potter?"

"Harry is in the garden with Ron and my husband."

Draco sucked in a breath and wrung his hands together. He tried to look Molly in the eye. "Is it alright if I speak with him?"

Molly nodded. "I'll go fetch him."

Draco walked down the porch and surveyed the expansive fields that surrounded the Burrow. He knew there had been an attack here his six and seventh years but it looked as if the land had recovered.

"Malfoy, what are you doing here?"

Draco turned around quickly and met the intense green eyes of Y/n's brother. He was wearing his auror's robes.

"I won't keep you long, Potter, I just needed to ask you something."

"Shoot." Harry narrowed his eyes.

"I- I first want to apologize. I was not the most kind to you at school. I've made bad decisions that I regret. I've said horrible things to you, to Weasley, and to Granger. I'll admit that I was jealous and angry of you and your friends... And I want to thank you for what you did in the Room of Requirement during the war. For saving me."

Potter took a step back. His eyebrows furrowing together. "What's this all about?" he asked cautiously.

"This is about Y/n," Draco said. "I want you to know that I am trying to be better and move on from my past. I want to start thinking about my future. I want Y/n to be in my future."

He reached into his suit pocket and pulled out the small velvet box. Draco opened it and handed it to Potter. He watched the auror as he inspected the intricate piece of jewelry. Draco felt as if he could say more. "I want to be the man Y/n deserves. I want to provide for her and make her happy. I love her. I'll never leave her. These past for years have changed my life and they have brought me to today. So, I guess I'm asking for your blessing. As her brother."

Draco didn't know what he expected. He certainly didn't expect what Potter said next.

"She'll love this ring."


Potter took one last look before closing the box and handing it back to Draco. "I said she would love the ring. You must have put in a lot of time finding it."

"I- I did."

"It's about time, too."

Draco was dumbfounded. Potter elaborated, "Y/n has been talking about getting married for two years now. I've overheard her talking about it with Hermoine. And Ginny. You make her happy. I know she'll be excited." He shrugged casually.

"So I have your blessing?"

"I mean, you were right about being a dick... but you've changed. I've changed. I agree that looking to the future is for the best. I'll give you my blessing."

Draco let out a sigh he didn't know he was holding. He extended his hand toward Potter, who took it.

"Thank you," Draco said. Potter smiled briefly and nodded.

"What are your plans, then?"

"We're going for dinner on Saturday. Someplace small, out of public eye. I'll ask... and if she says yes, then we'll have a spring wedding-- we've talked about it, briefly, before and agreed on it. Again, something small with only immediate family and friends. Then, we'll live together. I'm selling the Manor and buying a house away from London-- big enough for visitors, in case Mother wishes to stop by or yourself. I want someplace homey where Vol- the Dar- he hasn't touched. A place where we could raise a family... I think Y/n will like it."

"I think so, too." Potter shifted his weight awkwardly. After a pause, he said, "I think I should go. Work and all."

"Yes, of course. And I need to speak with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley."

"Good luck, Malfoy."

"And you, Potter."

"Call me Harry." He dipped his head and took out his wand from the pocket of his robes. Harry apparated away from the Burrow.

Draco had spoken to the Weasleys and apologized for the history between their families. He stressed his admiration for Y/n and desire to marry her. Mrs. Weasley was quick to take him into her arms and squeeze him almost too tightly. Mr. Weasley shook his hand. As for the rest of their children, Draco knew that there would be a little warming up to do.

His next stop was to see Granger. He just so happened to catch her on the way to the Ministry for work. She was always cautious around him but, since she was friends with Y/n, she managed a smile when she saw him. Draco made sure to apologize profusely for all the insults. Granger surely was the brightest witch of her age. She had always gotten the top marks of the class and now had a high-profile job. He congratulated her on all of her achievements.

When he showed Granger the ring, she beamed. She even apologized for punching him third year-- though Draco knew he deserved it.

Then, it was time for your dinner. He had put on his best suit and put the ring in the pocket closest to his heart. Draco escorted you to the restaurant and ordered a bottle of champagne.

And when he felt that the moment had arrived, he got down on one knee.

"Y/n, in all my life, I never thought I would be so lucky as to fall in love with my best friend. We met eleven years ago, half of our life, when we were first years at Hogwarts. You've helped me overcome the dark period of my life... a time where I was selfish, cruel, and unsure about the world around me. I know now, and I have known for the past four years that we have been dating, that you make me happy. You make the world brighter. And I want to do the same for you. Y/n," he took your hand in his and looked up to you, "will you marry me?"


Harry Potter Preferences and Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें