Baby Back Ribs?- Neville Longbottom

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You were sitting on the doorstep breathing in the fresh air of the morning. Hermoine was sitting with you, a cup of tea in her hands. There was a plate of biscuits next to you. She had come over to visit, at your request.

It wasn't rare that she came over, actually. You two were almost sisters. Growing up, you were both Gryffindors. You told her your secrets, she told you hers. When something got any of you down, you would sit outside with tea and biscuits and just talk.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

You shook your head lightly and smiled over at her. "Nothing- really. I guess I'm just nervous."

"Nervous?" Hermoine reached over and grabbed a biscuit from the plate, taking a small bite. At the sight of the food you felt your stomach roll. You pressed a hand to your mouth and looked away, taking deep breaths through your nose. "Y/n, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," you said uncertainly.

"You don't look well-"

Your stomach rolled again. "Excuse me," you managed to choke out. You pushed yourself off of the steps and ran back inside to the bathroom. You threw up all the contents in your stomach, dry-heaving a little afterwards.

Hermoine was standing in the hallway once you emerged from the bathroom. "You're pregnant, aren't you?" Of course she would know, with a kid of her own. You nodded with a hand on your temple, the nausea was fading but you still had a pounding sensation in your head.

She left to get you a glass of water, which you later accepted gratefully.

"I'm so happy for you!" Hermoine cheered. "Have you told Neville?"

"No," you groaned. "I want to- but I don't even know if he wants kids."

"Of course he does!" she shouted, then lowered her voice to a whisper. "You didn't hear this from me, but, I overheard him, Ron, and Harry talking. I was chatting with Ginny when heard the topic of kids come up. Ron mentioned that he loved Rose and Harry, you know, mentioned his. Neville said that he would like kids of his own but he wasn't sure if you did."

"Merlin's beard," you gasped. "He really said that?"

Hermoine nodded, trying to suppress a smile. "Are you going to tell him now?"

"I think I will."

You wanted to be creative with how you told your husband... You decided that you would introduce some muggle-food to the dinner table that night: Baby back ribs. Along with baby carrots, baby peas, and baby lettuce. You pun a few buns in the oven and set the table with pink and blue napkins.

If this wasn't obvious, you didn't know what would be.

"Good evening," you said innocently as you kissed Neville's cheek.

"Good evening?" His gaze was on the table, which you did admit seemed a little fancier than usual.

"I made dinner," you continued. "Thought I could make tonight special."

Your husband didn't complain. He politely pulled your chair out for you then sat down himself. As you served yourselves your meal, you noticed his slight confusion.

"Looks good, Y/n. Thank you for making dinner."

"I decided to try something new." You smiled. "I'll explain it after you try it."

The meal had some small talk here and there. The usual, "how was your day?" "It was good, thanks. Luna and I were studying a creature that she read about in 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.'" "Really? Which one?" And so on.

"Oh crap," you faked disappointment, "I left the bun in the oven." You jumped over to the oven and pulled out the bread and set them down on the table.

Neville, who was always smart, caught your phrase. He looked down at the napkins and the food on his plate.

"This is really interesting- you said it was new?"

"Yup." Your plan was working. "The muggles call it baby back ribs. I thought it would go with the baby peas, carrots..."

His face brightened. "Are you pregnant?!"


"M-merlin's beard!" Neville's chair clattered to the ground at the speed he got up with. You stood to meet him, letting yourself be engulfed in his arms. "This is so amazing-"

"Love you-" you murmured.

"Love you, too."

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