Because of Christmas- Sirius Black

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You stood next to Hermoine and the Weasleys as an enchanted Santa flew across the dining room of Grimmauld Place. You were all standing as you waited for Mrs. Weasley to push Arthur up to the table.

"Daddy's back!" she cheered. Everyone clapped with bright smiles. "Sit down, everybody. Sit down!" The children sat down while you stepped back. "That's it. Now, presents!"

"A nice big box for Ron," Arthur said. You smiled as Molly fumbled over Fred and George's presents. You carefully watched their faces as the kids opened their presents. Ron was looking slightly disgruntled with his new sweater; Hermoine smiled politely.

You heard new footsteps enter the room.

"Harry, there you are!" You grinned. You grabbed his box and walked over, offering your godson a hug. "Happy Christmas! Happy to have you with us now."

"Thank you," he responded cheerfully. You glanced up and saw Sirius standing in the doorway, leaning casually against the door frame. You made you way over to your husband, greeting him with a long, meaningful kiss. You didn't want to be interrupted, but faintly you heard Arthur call for a toast.

"-A Christmas toast to Mr. Harry Potter, without whom I would not be here." The ginger man lifted up his glass up a little higher. The color of his drink almost matched the bruising along his face. "Harry."

"Harry!" The rest repeated.

"Harry," you and Sirius said at the same time. Your godson turned the the both of you. Sirius sipped his wine, then offered some to you.

You declined.

"Sirius, I need to tell you something," you whispered, placing a hand on his bicep and looking out the the hallway. Your husband wrapped an arm around your waist and escorted you away from the Christmas festivities.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes- yes, I am. A little nauseous, of course. But, I'm better than okay."

Sirius looked slightly confused. He set his glass down on the stairway railing.

You sighed deeply. "I'm pregnant. I just found out two days ago but I'm a little more than a month along. You're going to be a father."

Your husband's expression fell blank. The only hit of emotion was in his eyes. His mouth fell agape, then it closed only to open again as if he were searching for something to say. But you were only met with silence.

"Merry Christmas..?" you offered.

"Yes," he finally said. "Yes!" His shout was loud enough for the portrait of his mother to start screaming, her deafening yells echoing down the hallways. But for once, Sirius didn't seem to care.

There was a loud snap as someone apparated into Grimmauld Place. You immediately pulled out your wand and rushed down the stairs. Sirius was right behind you, wand at the ready and making sure you didn't fall down the stairs.

You were about eight months along and your stomach was definitely showing. You had found out recently that you were having twins, not just one.

You reached the bottom of the stairs to see Severus standing in the hallway, looking slightly panicked.

You had always been nice to the potions teacher and he relaxed slightly seeing you.


"Y/n," he breathed. He turned to Sirius and his expression hardened once more. "It's Potter. He's had another vision."

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