New Dimension

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     Ethan woke up, for the first time, feeling refreshed

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     Ethan woke up, for the first time, feeling refreshed.  He was showered, wearing clean clothes, in a nice warm bed, with Alice cuddled up to his side.  He just wish that he could wake up like this every day, her warm flesh pressed up against his, but instead of as friends, as lovers. Sighing, he rose from the bed, getting ready for his first appointment with Dr. Klinger.  He had no idea why he was trusting her, maybe it was because she offered them a less primitive life, or because she offered to cure his blindness, or was the only other person remotely nice to him other than Alice.

     "What I'm about to tell you is crazy, so feel free to ask questions.  Hell, you could try and not believe me. Just trust me, ok?"  Ethan hesitated.  Again he wondered why should he trust a complete stranger?  But the look in her eyes, the tone she used made it very clear she was not messing with him.  Ethan slowly nodded.  "Good. Now, let me explain.  Imagine a line. Something that is only able to move on one plane - forward and back.  Now take that line, and turn it into a square.  By doing this, you have allowed the line to not only move on one plane - but two.  Up and down, left and right.  Now take that square, and yet again, you can turn it in another direction and make it a cube, able to move in three dimensions.  With these three dimensions, you can cut distance, you can cut travel time.  But what if I told you that you could cut that time even more?  What if I told you, there was a fourth dimension?  Well, there is.  That's how to explain your teleportation, that's to explain my portal gun, and all my inventions.  Geometry is so cool, right?" Emma ranted.  "You sound like a boring school teacher." Ethan shot back.  Emma ignored Ethan.  "Your atoms didn't disintegrate and pop up somewhere else. They simply cut a large distance by moving in a different direction."

     Truth be told, Ethan was in shock.  This was starting to make more and less sense.  "But why me?  Why is it only I that has been able to find this direction without help from some gun?" Ethan asked.  "Well, obviously, there is a wall of atoms that protects us from going to the fourth dimension.  Some areas, in fact, do go into the fourth dimension, where this wall of atoms is weak. The Bermuda Triangle for example, is one place where ships and planes seemingly disappear? They're going into the fourth dimension.  Anyway, my gun displaces the atoms in the wall, or that purplish black light.  As for you, I studied your genes, remember?  I added a gene.  Your body would produce a chemical that would repel those atoms naturally."  "But why me?" Emma sighed before again saying, "You can trust me, right? Well I'm from the future.  That explains how I was able to modify your genetics, yet still be the same age as you now. In the future, I met you. The future is a world of corruption, Ethan.  You were one of the few that wasn't a criminal, or a pervert, or anything."  Ethan looked expectantly at Dr. Klinger. "I thought this was about me going blind." Ethan said. "Yes, it is. I know a cure. But as much cool shit that I have, I'm going to need your help finding it."

     Ethan was sitting in his room.  Dr. Klinger told him to practice his powers.  He had been doing this for an hour, with no luck.  "Think about what you were thinking the first time," Emma had said.  So Ethan took all his anger in his life. All his sorrow, all his pain, and he bottled it up.  Then he though about Alice, and the hope she brought, and once again, in a flash of purplish black light, he disappeared into the fourth dimension.

     Ethan looked around.  He was floating.  There was no gravity in the fourth dimension.  He reached down to sit on his now distorted bed, but realized, he could go through the bed. He wasn't in the same plane as the bed.  He shifted his weight forward, making him fly forwards.  He flew from room to room, through the walls.  What he saw in one of the rooms made him stop. There was Alice, washing her hands, but something was weird.  She was moving in slow motion. The water was falling in slow motion.  He was so surprised, he fell out of the fourth dimension, slamming down hard onto the bathroom floor.  He looked down at his watch. Only a second had passed since he disappeared into the fourth dimension.  He looked up.  Alice, of course, screamed, because why wouldn't you if someone just appeared out of nowhere while you were in the bathroom?

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