4- Guilt

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The thoughts racing through my head, going through at a mile a minute, but nothing went by without a painful realization from me.

So many things we hadn't done. So many things I hadn't said. I had hurt her so much. And I can never atone for what I have done.

"I'm so sorry, Luce."

I wasn't there, the time that it truly mattered.

I've only lost her, but it feels as though I've lost everything.

She meant so much to me. She never knew how important she was to me. I never told her.

Imagining it, her last words to Erza. She was thinking of me when she knew she was going to die.

It all hurts so much. I just want the pain to go away. How can I live with this? Knowing I've lost her.

"I've lost her."

Take care of Natsu for me.

I can hear it. Over and over again. Her last words. She sacrificed herself for everyone, for the guild.

We're all supposed to be happy. The war's been won, but it only feels like I've lost.

I know, that everyone is out there, mourning together. Trying to come to terms with what's happened. Just as I'm doing here.

I don't think I can go out there, and see all of them, all of them without Lucy there. She should be there, with her family, but she won't be. Not anymore.

I sit there a long time, and before I know it, exhaustion sets in. I start wobbling, and my head gets fuzzy. Then. Everything goes dark.

All I've lost(Nalu short)Where stories live. Discover now