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song #4: don't let me go- jai waetford

january 27th, 2016, 7:26pm

jihoon turned around to see the box still facing his tear-streaked face. he sat upright and placed the box on his lap. his hands were shaking as he slowly removed the lid. 

inside was a thermal flask, a small ceramic bowl and a folded piece of paper. jihoon unpacked the box and uncapped the thermal flask. he smelled the hot liquid. miso soup, for his hangover. jihoon smiled at the pleasant smell and happily poured himself some of his favourite soup into the small bowl.

he was enjoying the soup when he turned to see the small piece of paper still next to him, untouched. his smile quickly vanished. one part of him was so curious as to find out who was the one who wrote the note for him, but another part was so nervous for the same reason. he took a deep breath and unfolded the paper.

the paper was all white, and it was in italic fonts. who even prints notes nowadays? jihoon chuckled lightly and read the note.

my dearest jihoon,

i'm still disappointed in you for yesterday. i cannot believe you actually drank for the first time in your life. i hope you have learnt the repercussions now. 

anyways, i hope this hangover soup helps you. i made it especially for you. i know this is your favourite, so i hope you will savour and enjoy every mouthful. but don't drink it too fast though, you may choke like whenever you drink things fast. drink it slowly and take some time to reflect on what you have done.

and also, don't let go of your dear friend jinyoung. you know how much he cares for you, so whenever you are feeling down, be sure to turn to him. he's a good and wise friend. never ever let him go, you'll only end up feeling lonelier. if you ever fight with him, make sure you both make up and become friends again within the same day. 

i wish you a speedy recover.

my dear jihoon,

i miss you, i love you.

jihoon let a tear escape from his eyes. he was too tired to cry his eyes out, as much as he wanted to. he just wished he could wake up from this haunting nightmare that was overwhelming him way too much. he dropped the letter and locked his knees between his hands. he lowered his head and let out soft sobs. 

"come back, doyeon, come back, please," jihoon begged as the tears continued to fall. 

he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around his neck and pull him closer. he didn't bother to open his eyes as he wrapped his arms around the person's waist and cried harder. 

"jihoon-ah, i'm here, don't cry. please. we both know that if you cry, i'll cry too, right? so stop crying now, please." jinyoung's soothing voice calmed jihoon down as jihoon pulled his best friend closer to him.

"i'm sorry, jinyoung, i was such a dick to you and you didn't even do anything to me and-" jihoon started.

"yah, you know that no matter what happens, i will never leave you right? you're my best friend. no matter how many times you try to push me away, i'm still here beside you," jinyoung chuckled playfully, his voice cracking a little.

as jihoon pulled away from the hug, he felt his face become dry. he sat up and touched his face. his tears that stained his face just a few minutes ago were gone. then he remembered doyeon's first note.

"every tear you shed, i would wipe it from your handsome face."

jihoon was in shock. he looked at jinyoung while still pressing his hands against his face, receiving only a confused look from the other boy. 

"jinyoung-ah, this may sound completely crazy, but i think someone is watching over me. like someone is taking care of me without me knowing it." jinyoung only laughed. "why do you say that?"

"i keep getting notes and stuff fro someone that does not sign off. even the box, the nurse said they don't know who it came from," jihoon did not want to someone completely freak, but just listening to himself say the words for himself made him think otherwise. he looked jinyoung in the eyes.

"i think it's doyeon." jihoon's eyes flashed with questions after questions, all begging for a common answer.

jinyoung was at a loss of words. "i'm sure you'll find out who it is soon, okay? and i'll be here with you every step of the way," jinyoung smiled at his friend while placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"promise?" jihoon knew he was being childish, but he wanted to just make sure.

jinyoung laughed at his gesture but wrapped his pinky around jihoon's anyway. 

"i promise."


hiii sorry this update took rather long :( but winkdeep more like holyshitthisshipisthemostblessedthinginp101gottabereal 

oh and i hope u guys listened to the song at the beginning, YOU WILL CRY i love jai waetford he will forever be my xfactor ult crush + the song really will make you feel all sorts when u read it oK i CRIED GUYS I CRIED :"(

BUT GUYS can i just say that i'm so excited for this friday HAHDJSHSHS srsly this show mae me change my mindset towards the number 11 completely i used to think it was a big number but NOW I KNOW IT'S NOT HDSJHD 11 is not enough to fit enough talent and btw im jaehwan's rep bc im actl his mom 

and please dont get me started on how im upset about my favs yongguk, kenta, gunhee and euiwoong getting eliminated i actually cried so hard oK especially yongguk mnet you can choke (side note: wtf guanlin lgl stans pls help this poor child)

dedication: @longguow THANKU for being such a cool reader i love u and YONGGUK STANS UNITE ye boiii but ur so cool thanku ilu so much i can sell my leg on ebay for u

and also, i plan to make another fic after my chanbaek one; which leads to my qn thing that i do every chapter, so pls help me by answering THANKUU just quote the qn with ur answer yea

qn: who should i write a story on next? 

stay smelly

love, twinkle.

i miss you, i love you | park jihoonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant