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It's over. I've defeated Zeref. It's finally over, and all I want to do is see all of my friends.

I'm running through Magnolia, looking for where they might be.

Everything will be ok now. We'll all be fine.

I round the next corner, and I finally see everyone, all there in the clearing.

Everyone is crying, and comforting each other. And when I scan the crowd, I don't see a head of blonde hair.

I keep looking, and eventually see Erza. I start walking toward her, and as soon as we make eye contact, her eyes fall.

"Erza, where's Lucy?"

I can feel everyone's eyes on me, and can hear Levy's sobs as I said her name.


She keeps looking at me with those eyes. Like I'm a child in need of protecting.



"Where is she?!"

She flinches at my harsh voice, but continues holding my gaze.

"Natsu, I'm sorry."

She starts walking towards me with her arms out.




She went home, that's why she's not here. She must be in her apartment, sitting at her desk, writing about our victory.

"She went home already, didn't she? Yeah. That's where she is. She's there."

I turned and ran.

I ran away from the sorrow. I ran away from Erza's pleas to stop. I ran from the sobs.

I ran to Lucy.

But at the back of my mind, I knew, that I wasn't running to Lucy. But, my mind wouldn't let me know that. Not yet. Because I couldn't handle it.

I needed the hope that she was still here for just a little longer.

I run fast, wanting to see her. Wanting to see her familiar figure. Wanting to hear her familiar voice. Her comforting presence.

I snap out of my thoughts when I see it. I knew the way by heart, and I'll never forget it.

I could see it. Exactly where it always is.

I jumped up the window, and slid it open.

She always claimed she hated when we barged in, but she always left the window unlocked for when we did. It's how I always knew, even if she didn't, that she wanted us there.

It's quiet.

That's the first thing I notice when I step down from the windowsill. The only sound I hear is the quiet tap of my feet hitting carpet.


All I've lost(Nalu short)Where stories live. Discover now