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The war started a decade ago when supernatural creatures have decided to come out of hiding for the first time. They believed humans could handle their presence and accept them. The leaders that have decided that were wrong.

It's been an endless bloody battle, with millions of both humans and supernatural creatures having lost their lives. Most of the creatures have gone extinct and a small handful have retreated to the shadows. The leaders who have made the decision have been executed and the next in line took their place.

About seven species of the supernatural remain. With each group, there's a leader to watch over and protect who's left at all costs. At least all of them travel frequently to avoid suspicious humans. One group has remained in one place thanks to a small town accepting their powers as long as it was used for good.

Surprisingly at one point, all the male leaders were close friends even if there has been tension before the war started. Unfortunately, their friendship ended the day humans attacked. They haven't spoken to one or the other since and have been careful not to cross in anyone's path. Over the years, they've grown to hate the others.

Although, they'll admit their hatred but deep down, all six leaders secretly hoped to put the past behind them and figure out a way to forgive to become close friends again. It felt impossible but it wasn't hopeless. Eventually, they'd have no choice but to meet if there was trouble.


So just to give a rough idea of what it's going to be about. However, I've decided not to complete the story and get you guys involved. Comment or message me what you think will happen! It can be mature content so younger readers, please be advised.

THIS story will be updated on Wednesdays and Condemned To Hell will be on Sundays. I hope you enjoy reading both! 🖤

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