The Fight That Hurt 2 Hearts.

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Sanyukta came home. She was just thinking about Randhir.

Kishor-"Sanyu go freshen up I will make the dinner ready."

Sanyukta-"ok, Papa."

Sanyukta comes back after some time.

Kishor-"Sit Sanyu today Smita has made your favorite dish."

Sanyukta- "Really Papa, so nice of her."

Kishor-"Smita and Arun have helped us a lot. God always sends help in form of people like them."

Sanyukta-" Yes Papa."

Kishor-"Sanyukta before I forget let me tell you I brought you a gift. Its on the sofa there.(points to sofa.)"

Sanyukta- "What is it papa?"

Kishor-" look for yourself, after dinner."

They have their dinner.
Sanyukta opens the gift wrap. It is a beautiful dress.

Sanyukta-"Wow papa this dress is very beautiful. "

Kishor-"Anju loved white and Pearl colours.
I saw it in a display and thought it would look perfect on you Sanyu so I bought it."

Sanyukta-"Thank you Papa!"

Kishor-"Wear it and show me tomorrow. "

Sanyukta-"Yes papa definitely. "

They finish the dinner. Sanyukta goes cleans up the dishes. Kishor is very tired and goes to sleep.

While cleaning the dishes Sanyukta thought about the dress that papa had brought for her.

She finishes her work and goes to sleep.

The next morning Sanyukta gets up early and gets ready wearing the beautiful dress.
She wears pearl earrings and looks in the mirror.

Sanyukta- "Wow, sanyu see how cute you look ! Wait why am I complementing myself alone. Let's see if papa is awake."

Sanyukta runs down the stairs.
Kishor is in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Kishor-"Slowly sanyu don't run on the stairs."

Sanyukta- "See papa, how am I looking?"

Kishor takes his head up from the vegetables he is cutting.

Kishor-"Oh my god, sanyu you look Beautiful ! "

Sanyukta-"Thank you papa."

Kishor-"Are you wearing this to college today? "

Sanyukta-"Yes papa."


Sanyukta-"let me help you."

Kishor-"Thank you princess. "

Sanyukta laughs.

Sanyukta reaches college. The lectures are boring as always but sanyukta tried to pay attention.

Parth and Arpita were lost in their world, studying, learning and looking at each other.

Soon the lectures finished and Sanyukta and Randhir went to the temple to study there.

After some time:

Randhir-" this is how it is calculated. "

Sanyukta- "Yes, Yes, Yes!"

Randhir-"What happened?"

Sanyukta-"Don't you realize? We finished studying for the exam, that was the last sum in the text book."

Randhir-"Yes I didn't realize that, I was concentrating on explaining it to you. And I had to say something ..."

Sanyukta- "Don't tell me something is left."

Randhir-"No, actually you are looking very pretty today."

Sanyukta- "Really, atlast you said something out of the text."

Randhir-"let's revise other subjects now."

Soon they had lost track of time studying and looking at each other secretly.

The exam was in a few days and all they needed was to revise as they had already finished with everything else.

Dark clouds had gathered and it began to rain.

Sanyukta- "Oh my god ! How will I go home now? Travelling with bus in rain worst combination ever ! "

Randhir-"I have a bike, if you don't mind I can drop you home."

Sanyukta-"ok great, thanks"

They ran to the Parking lot, Randhir quickly started his bike and they decided to reach home without getting caught in heavy rains.

But things not always go as planned there are games that God plays, he separates and he unites.

So today he decided to separate them and this is what
happened …

While going on the bike a truck came over speeding from behind and to get away from its track Randhir took the bike to the edge of the road.
The tyres went into a puddle and splashed muddy water on Sanyukta.

She wouldn't had gotten angry if it were any ordinary dress but it was her Father's gift and she loved it too much.

She got very angry she kept shouting at him…

Sanyukta- "stop the bike, STOP IT !
Why are you not listening to me did you become deaf I said stop! "

Randhir-"I know that dress means a lot but its raining heavily we can get a cold. Please stop shouting."

She started blaming him…

Sanyukta-"I should have gone by bus, you don't even know how to drive a bike,
why did I agree to go with you?
I will never ever ride on this bike again.
You are a threat to other people on the road how did you get a license? "

Sanyukta kept saying all things that hurt Randhir very badly.
If he heard any more of this he would definitely cry.

He dropped her home the rain had reduced but not stopped.

Sanyukta pulled out the key from the bike.

Sanyukta- "Randhir I HATE you!
Get lost!"

She threw the keys on the wet road and ran into the house.

Randhir stood there shocked at Sanyukta's words. He picked up the keys of his bike.
He was broken from inside but he left from there quietly.

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