All About Randhir.

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Sanyukta came early to college today and went to the library.

Sanyukta entered the library. She loved reading books but hated studying.

Sanyukta returned the books and took the book which she needed.

She came to the reading table she saw  Randhir sitting alone.

She sat near him,
Sanyukta- " Hey Bookworm want to learn all books in one day or what?"
Then she laughed.

Randhir softly replied:

Randhir-"Shh, please speak softly people will get disturbed. "

Sanyukta- "Ok, fine I'll speak softly but please can you explain some maths to me? I don't get anything what that professor teaches."

Randhir-"Tell me what you find difficult."

Sanyukta-"actually everything. Today there are not many students to disturb me."

Randhir-"yes, should we start from the first chapter? "

Sanyukta- "No! The fifth, I did till the fourth."

Randhir-"ok lets start the fifth chapter. "

They study for some time and head to their class.

They reached the class and sat down.
Soon a girl came to their class and announced-
There are no lectures today  the professors are busy with an urgent meeting.

Randhir picked up his bag and started walking Sanyukta went behind him.

Sanyukta- " Hey Randhir are you going home?"

Randhir-"No, I will go to the temple and study there, the library will be closed now."

Sanyukta-" Good I had some more doubts."


Randhir and Sanyukta went to the temple and started studying.

They both were so engrossed in studying they lost track of time.
After a few hours they decided to take a break.
Sanyukta kept asking him questions about what his likes and dislikes were.

Sanyukta-"So Randhir tell me about yourself."

Randhir-"What about me?"

Sanyukta-"What you like,dislike?"

Randhir-"I like reading books, newspapers and I don't dislike anything."

Sanyukta- "Tell me something about your childhood."

I was often troubled by other students then I started studying hard, then I didn't look back and got very good marks. Then people started respecting instead of troubling."

Sanyukta-"Your parents? "

Randhir-" I don't live with them, I live with my grandmother. They actually work a lot and are busy with their jobs I have a small brother who actually takes care of them. I take care of my grandmother."

Sanyukta-"What do you want to do in future."

Randhir-"Some job,good position, good salary and happy family. "

Sanyukta- "ok, Even i was troubled by other students and
I lost my mom when I was small that is the reason I am the way
I am,
I tried many hobbies but nothing worked
So I kept playing pranks on others now I have stopped that too."

Randhir-"Have I done anything wrong?"

Sanyukta-"Yes by asking that question. "
She smiles.
Sanyukta-" You have always helped me. Thank you."


Sanyukta-"I give you 1 wish think and ask anything you want."

Randhir-"I have to think then I will ask, but I need lots of time."

Sanyukta- "You have forever."

They study for some more time and then go home.

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