The Examination Nightmare.

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Sanyukta reached home she was very Happy.
The glow on her face was clearly visible.
Kishor saw sanyu happy after a long time.
Kishor-"What happened at college today? You look very happy."

Sanyukta-"Nothing papa just had fun with friends. I'll get fresh and come."

They have dinner together.
It is a very wonderful time between papa and his princess.

Sanyukta- "papa soon exams are starting."

Kishor-"Yes sanyu study properly, if you need any thing ask me."

Sanyukta-"Yes your Best of luck before all papers."

Kishor laughs.

Sanyukta-"papa this time I will get good marks."

Kishor-" if you are so confident you will surely top the class."

Sanyukta-"That place is already reserved."


Sanyukta-"My partner he always tops the class."

Kishor-" he must be very intelligent. "

Sanyukta- "of course, papa he teaches me very well."

Kishor-"Ok, that's nice of him."

Sanyukta- "yes."

Kishor-"Good night Sanyukta."

Sanyukta-"But papa the dishes?"

Kishor-"Don't worry I will wash them, you go and sleep."

Sanyukta-"ok papa, good night."

Sanyukta went to her room and on the side table she saw a few books.

Sanyukta-"oh no, I forgot to return these books. I will return them tomorrow. "

Sanyukta sleeps.

She has trouble sleeping and finally falls asleep.

She has a nightmare:

Professor-"its only 30 minutes remaining complete your paper fast."

Sanyukta is writing very fast but she is far from finishing the paper.

Professor-"last 15 minutes left."

Sanyukta doubles the speed but still she can't finish.

Professor-"Sanyukta last five minutes. "

Sanyukta- "yes, sir."

The bell rings and Sanyukta couldn't complete the paper.

Professor-"Sanyukta please give your paper."

Sanyukta- "sir please just a few minutes."

The Professor snatches the paper and Sanyukta becomes very sad.
She starts crying.

Kishor-" Sanyukta, Sanyukta get up."


Kishor-"yes, get up breakfast is ready. Were you dreaming?"

Sanyukta- " Yes it was a bad dream."

Kishor-"A nightmare. "

Sanyukta-"yes papa, I got very scared and started crying. "

Kishor-"You are my princess but I know you are very strong. Come now we have to get ready for the battle."

Sanyukta- " Battle? Which battle? "

Kishor-"I have to go to the office and you have to go to the college. "
They laugh.

Sanyukta- "I will get ready fast now. I don't want to miss the first lecture."

Kishor-"ok, I am waiting come fast."

Kishor had made paratha's and he drew a smiley face with sauce on sanyu's paratha.

Sanyukta comes to the dining table.

Sanyukta- "ha ha, papa such a cute face."

Kishor-"yes, now hurry up, but eat properly."

Sanyukta- "hmm."
She fills her whole mouth with the paratha.
And mumbles something.

Sanyukta- "ees is eally ood."

Kishor laughs, he remembers when Sanyukta was small she used to do the same thing.
When kishor returned from office she had a lot to tell him but then she wouldn't eat without him.
So kishor used to feed her and she used to speak this alien language.
Those were the best days of his life.

Anju and his princess.

Kishor realized how fast the time had passed and his princess had grown so much."

They left to their battlefields but there was a greater battle to be won the battle of a more beautiful life.

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