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Write a story that ends with the main character as baby who just woke up with bad dream  


An idea for a plot:

The main boy has a girlfriend. After she dies, and they see each other, her in her ghost/spirit form, but one day she disappears and never returns. The boy goes crazy and starts to kill others in vengeance, hoping that doing so will bring his loved one back. He is always depressed and practically losing his mind (also would be a cool point of view to write in, someone going crazy/slowly losing sanity), when the spirit girl shows up and tells him to move on. He gets arrested, luckily not for the murders, but maybe drugs or alcoholism or a violent outburst on someone. Once out of jail, he finds another girl who he falls in love with. Keep in mind he is still very unstable and psychotic in ways. The new girl almost dies and the old spirit girlfriend takes the girl to "heaven". The boy completely loses it this time and pleads for girl to take him to. He ends up killing himself and awakes as a baby with a terrible dream. 


Feel free to use any parts of that plot idea, the whole thing, or your own thoughts!   

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