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The government has created a society that is essentially "numb".

Feeling emotion of any sort was a sin, against the law, unheard of... all the above.

It was better this way of course.

The government had finally figured it out. That strong emotion, of any sort, lead to every problem. So why take the risk, just get rid of it entirely.

Write a story about a character who is addicted to happiness.


"Come on," he laughed. "Try it. I promise you won't regret it."

"I-I heard it releases dopamine. That's dangerous. We learned about it in health class and- "

"(Name), trust me."


Illegally buying vials of emotion, to inject into your system.

Parties, addictions, running from the law, the sense of feeling something.

Imagine what it would be like, to feel happiness, sorrow, or anger for the first time.

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