Chapter Seventeen - My darling girl

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Amethyst looked at the two of them, and a memory triggered in her brain, she knew this girl - knew her from years ago. She shook her head, and looked at Lee again. "We must wait until cover of darkness, then we can take her to the safe place".

"Can you ride"? she questioned Anne who nodded - Amethyst smiled and said that they will take the horses and find her somewhere safe to live. "And we should go home, I will not live in fear of the Comte, so we should go and take Anne with us, she will be safe in our home and I have some news for you my darling".

Luke walked over to her, pulling her close and kissing her. "You are the bravest girl I have ever met and I love you, what is your news my darling girl"? Amethyst smiled and leaning in whispered something to him. 

He pulled back and held her gently, the look of absolute love in his eyes was beautiful to see. "Really my darling, oh Amy", and he gently kissed her, then looked at her again. "Amethyst you have to stay safe now, I will not let you be put in danger, I will take Anne then come back for you, I promise sweetheart".

Amethyst looked at him and nodded. She knew now how important it was for him to look after her, and she wanted to keep him safe also.

They finished their meal and went to their respective rooms. Lee led Anne to another part of the house, and said she can have this room. It was furnished like a little palace - with a beautiful four poster bed, comfortable sofa, bookcase filled with different books - and a large window seat overlooking the gardens and paddock where the two horses played and grazed together. 

Seeing the two horses, Anne smiled. She loved horses and had her own when she was younger before the Comte took her in. She silently crept downstairs and out to the paddock. She whistled for Star - and the headstrong young mare trotted over to her. "Easy my beauty, it's alright, I am not going to hurt you". 

Slowly she climbed up the fence and seeing a head-collar hanging by the gate with the nameplate Star on - she put it on her - looping the lead-rope through the buckles like reins and swiftly she climbed on - walking Star easily round the paddock. 

She did not notice Luke and Amethyst - until they walked over to see the horses - and noticed her riding Star very easily and confidently.

Suddenly another memory triggered in Amethyst's mind, of another girl, very like her - riding a chestnut Anglo - Arabian bareback with just the head-collar in a field. 

Amethyst shook her head, why all these visions, they just did not make sense. She could not work out how they were linked to Anne, as she did not know anyone with that name. 

Anne nudged Star into a trot and rode her over to the gate, dismounting and taking the head-collar off. "I am really sorry Amethyst to ride your horse, but I have not ridden for the longest time and I missed it. I used to have a pony, and I miss riding".

"Anne, you rode her amazingly, you can ride her whenever you want to, or we could look for a horse for you, We want you to be happy and we only have 2 horses - so we could get you one then you could ride out with us whenever".

"What breed was your pony - when you were younger?" Amethyst asked Anne as they took Star back to the stable. "I had an Anglo Arab mare - her name was Stardust - I never knew what happened to her as she disappeared right around the time I turned 12."

Amethyst stopped - another memory clear in her mind. She nodded and said that Stardust must have been beautiful and the two girls chatted away as they put the horse away. "Amy, are you going out tonight, can I ride Star later on"?

Amethyst nodded yes and she went to get ready, and three hours later the carriage came to get them both and take them to the dance that was going on. Anne had agreed to stay behind and take care of the two horses and to exercise Star. 

Amethyst - The Story Of A Young GirlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant