48. Chapter

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Allison's POV

Kick, slap, punch, push, smash...those 5 things kept happening. It's been a week since i left Mexico and came back to LA. Once i landed i took my bags to my work apartment and then went to the one place where i knew i would be able to drown all my feelings. My ex boyfriend, Neel's place... 

There was a reason we broke up. He would get me either drunk, high, or both all the time. It was an abusive relationship. Yet that didn't cross my mind when i knocked on his door. 

~ ~ ~

A kick to my abdomen, slap to the face, a punch to the mouth, pushed into the countertop, a empty beer bottle smashed onto my back...all because I said i wasn't in the mood to take pictures. 

After he seems satisfied with his beating, he pulls me by my hair and throws me into my room. "get ready. cover up all that so no one sees it. we leave in a hour." With that he slams the door and leaves me beaten and battered physically and emotionally. 

I cover it up. All the bruises, cuts, and scars. I am a perfect canvas. No one will see my pain. I limp out of my room and over to Wesley's room. Before i walk in i could immediately smell him smoking. I knew it would take the edge off so i walk in and join him till Neels drags me out of the room to go take photos. 

Click, flash, change pose, click, flash, change pose, move location. Over and over again we took photos trying to make our life look perfect. He needed it to look perfect for the world to see the front he puts up. "Golden Boy" of LA. 

At the end of the day, my makeup has rubbed away at some places and bruises were visible. Neels noticed and immediately started to drag me home...oh great. the cycle continues and no one sees me screaming for help.  

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