39. Chapter

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Allison's POV

I can't take it. I can't take all the hate comments. They are just so rude. The icing on the cake was the guys accidentally saying they value the guys over me. I know it wasn't intentional to make me upset but it still did.

I knew the girls or Hayes and the guys would be coming to my house so I just up and left. I ran out of my front door barefoot and only in a t-shirt. Why LA? Why rain TODAY OF ALL DAYS?

I run to my secret place where I know they won't find me. I knew there was a photographer that took a picture of me sitting down but I planned that. As soon as he/she left i ran to my actual destination. I must look psycho right now. I am just glad i didn't wear makeup today. 

After 5 minutes of running i finally made it. It's a rooftop to be specific. A rooftop of a building where i am a lot. It's the rooftop of my apartment. I just ran out because I didn't want them to know where I actually went. I know i have a fucking huge ass house but that's my parents. Not mine. 

This is my place where I just keep my clothes for photo shoots I get to keep. Basically my work apartment. PR packages are sent here as well as some fan stuff. Only a few people have been here before and I doubt they will remember. 

I want to move out of my parents place and buy my own. Money isn't an issue for me and my family. I forgot to mention my parents own a multi-billion dollar company as well as helped start up many famous clothing stores and hotel lines. Let's just say that they are very successful for being in their 30's. 

I think Hayes, Kelsey, and a few others have been here and I doubt they know i'm here. If they do they'll just check the room and not the roof. 

I notice i left my phone at home but it's ok. That's the reason why i ran away, well partially. I need a unplug day though. I sit up on the roof for another hour or so just letting the rain fall on me. I already know i'm gonna be sick tomorrow so i walk back to my house in the rain just to clear my head. 

I walk in, well limp in. Okay, I may have slipped and sprained my ankle on the way here. I know i'm clumsy. Anyways, I walk in shivering and when I do I see Hayes sitting down on a couch with his head in his hands. 

"Hayes..." I say in a small voice because I can't read his emotions and I don't know how he'll react. He lifts his head up and sees me and immediately runs over and hugs me. I wince because of my ankle but I try and cover it up. My attempt failed and he noticed. 

"What's wrong" I frown but then remember how it happened and started laughing. "I slipped on my own foot and twisted my ankle in the middle of the street" He stifles a laugh and says "babe you could've gotten seriously hurt." 

I nod and he says "i'm sorry. Sorry for making it seem like i valued Matt and Taylor over you. I don't. You are the most important person in my life." I smile and kiss him. Gosh this boy. I say "Awh Hayes i wasnt that upset. Well i was but it wasn't about that. I just needed a break." 

He nods and says "Ok i'll tell everyone to meet here and while they are on their way let's go to get you a ankle brace." I nod and we head to the store. He gives me a piggy back ride the whole time. 

This day went from good to bad to worse to good again. Gosh it's like my day is as bipolar as I am. 

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