Leaving the Nest pt. 1

Start from the beginning

I shook my head, "Vance has pretty much gotten all the big stuff, and his parents threw in the appliances...save your cash for our wedding or a sick honeymoon or something if Vance ever decides he wants to marry me."

This time my mom smiled wide, rivaling even Jack Nicholson's joker.


"You don't have to worry about finances when it comes to your wedding..when the day comes that Vance decides to ask for your hand everything is already planned and pretty much paid for between Mrs cage and I."

Dad rolled his eyes.

"Mom...what are you talking about?"

This time she got up and giddily made her way to their bedroom before she came back with a binder so thick it had things hanging out from here and there.


"This is your wedding book," she announced merrily. "I have been working on this since the day I found out you were gonna be a girl."

I watched with horror as her eyes lit up with genuine elation.

"I have color swatches, fabric options, China patterns, the best photography companies, reception and venue halls, the possibilities are endless but I've got the big picture pinned down with your input of course."

"Oh, o-of course." I sounded unsure.

This was completely overwhelming.

"Your mom really has been working on this for your whole life...this is basically her Super Bowl." Dad put in encouragingly, the only way a loving mate could.

"I-I'm sure everything is perfectly planned." I added.

"Oh you'll love it baby girl...now we just need Vance to ask you." She giggled.

I chuckled uncomfortably, "speaking of...I-I should get going, he might need some help unpacking, and I'll probably just stay the night with him."

They nodded, I gave them a smile as I looked on in horror as my mother lovingly clutched her wedding portfolio to her chest.

"If it isn't one thing it's another." I mutter to myself as I got into my car.

I needed a chat and Mariah wasn't here so I had to suck it up and call Harper.

"Hello?" She answered.

I shook my head and smirked, Harper always answers the phone with so much uncertainty.

"Hey H, I was wondering if I could come over...I kinda need some girl talk."

"Yeah come on by, Val just left so we'll have the house to ourselves."

"Your parents still not back?" I asked a little concerned.

For the past couple of month (from what I'd heard) had taken up the hobby of traveling.

"They came and went, last week was a trip up north to Colorado for skiing, the next two weeks will be a trip to Mexico."

"Hey at least your parents are enjoying themselves." I put in.

"They do deserve it." She sounded.

"I'm on my way." I said before hanging up and driving off.

Now our town isn't really big but Harper's place is on the northern most side of town so it took me a while to get there especially mixed with the weekend traffic.

She let me in happily.

"I thought you'd be at Braxton's.

She shrugged, "I love him and all, but he's kinda putting heat on me and I sorta needed a little space for the evening."

"Everything okay?" I asked more concerned now.

She gave me a weak smile, "I sorta mentioned that you and Vance got a house and would be moving in together and now more than ever he's wanting me to move in with him...and while I have no qualms to live with him, I just feel like with Braxton... it's going to set off a chain of events."

I nodded. I knew exactly what she meant.

"Again I love him with all my heart, but isn't it enough that we're mates...I know he's gonna want to get married and I'll become Luna and one day he'll want kids, but it's all a little much and I'm not even 20 yet."

I offered her a sympathetic smile.

"If it makes you feel any better about your situation, I just found out my mom has my entire wedding planned out, and seeing as her and dad are the ones who will be paying I'm sure I'm going to get little to know say in the matter and I'm not even engaged yet."

"I'm still sorry about that by the way." She sounded genuinely.

I waved her words away, "water under the bridge girl, Mariah's anxious to come back too, but I think her stay might be a little delayed."

She nodded, we talked a little more before I took off to the new house.

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