Ch 33 - Agreement

Start from the beginning

Just then Sixx dropped the wallet that was still in his hand and when he bent down to pick it up he saw a picture of a young blond couple. Wait a second; he thought picking the wallet up and examining the photo. This is me. He quickly took the photo out from the pocket that was holding it and turned it over to find something scribbled on the back of it; Sixx and Sonya prom 2012. Sixx furrowed his brow at that and flipped the photo over again for a second look and as soon as he did it all came flooding back. For the second time he felt as if he'd been struck by lightning but there was nothing on this green earth that could've made him drop this photo.

"Sonya..." He said aloud gazing at the photo and how she had and arm on his shoulder while the other was holding a small top hat onto her head while he was gazing warmly at her. The memory of how Sonya had done this just before the picture was taken made Sixx's entire body feel warm and he felt his face turning red until finally he cracked a smile. "Oh Sonya...I promise I'll get back to you."

But first he had to figure out just how on earth he was going to get out of this place. Judging by the way the blond woman was acting they didn't seem to be exactly on guard with him here. Maybe these people really weren't all that bad he thought putting the picture of him and Sonya back into his wallet along with the letter she'd written him. Putting the bit of leather into his back pocket Sixx turned and made for the door, hopefully he was right and these people, whoever they were, really weren't some psychos holding him against his will.

Either way he couldn't just sit her and wait for something to happen out there, he had to escape so he could find- Sixx made a face before he ran his hand through his hair thinking hard. What was he here for exactly? He was looking for someone but deep down he knew that they didn't mean nearly as much to him as Sonya did so what was he doing? Bringing his hand to his chin he wondered if whatever it was he was supposed to be doing here was even worth being away from the person he actually loved. At the same time however he felt a strong force telling him that he had to find them and he had to do something. But what?

"I told you I don't want any of your food!" Someone outside screamed followed by what sounded like glass shattering and a door slamming.

"Oh that girl is lucky that Synder wants her alive." Another voice said before Sixx heard their footsteps retreating down the hall.

More people, Sixx thought wondering why they sounded so familiar. Whoever they were he knew it was a girl, and they sounded like they were in the room right next to his. Deciding it was worth looking into Sixx walked over to the wall the was closest to where the girl's voice came and knocked on it. At first there was nothing so he decided to knock again, only this time he'd say something too. "Hello? Someone there?"

"Who's that?" The familiar voice asked from the other side of the wall.

"My name's Eric, but everyone who I know calls me Sixx." He thought he had that right at least. "What's your name?"

"Sixx?" The girl on the other side repeated the sense of recognition thick in her voice and he could tell that she was pressing herself against the wall. "Sixx is Gage over there with you?"

Gage? Another memory clicked at the sound of the name and suddenly Sixx was back on the airplane with a shorter blond boy who had such a sunny disposition that it was actually annoying. He was flashing back to the convention that the two of them had gone to in search of a Devil that was said to show up and the fight that they got into with that gang of Originals. Gage had drawn one of them away while Sixx fought with two before he was mobbed by the two he fought with and third that showed up. The blond woman, he thought shocked that someone so delicate looking as her could be a Devil. And, they'd all made him drink their blood for whatever reason, one said it was to make him tame but-

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