Ch 12 - Captured

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Flannery's POV:

Flannery was walking through the woods when she came upon a small creek flowing through the forest. Deciding it should be safe to drink Flannery knelt down and dipped her hands into the water, cupping them to trap the water within her palms before drinking it. The water was refreshingly cool to her lips so she leaned down even further and began to drink directly from the creek. Sure it was just a little murky but for the most part the water was clear and it was just nice to get some moisture n her mouth since she forgot to grab her canteen from the SUV before she left.

Flannery had walked without pause through the night until she decided that walking along the road would no doubt just make her easier to spot by the others. She was still plenty mad about Joe saying that Greg was dead and that he no longer felt they should continue their search for him. So for now she wanted nothing more than to be alone, separated from the others because she herself needed time to think about what she should do next.

She knew that she should stick to the next road she came across and hitchhike whenever she could, cause there was no way she'd be able to cover much ground by walking. The only problem with that was that she had no idea where to start walking in order to find a road. She'd taken so many turns throughout the night that she had no idea where it is that she'd come from in the first place. She was lost. It was a painful truth for her to admit, but Flannery knew that she'd gotten herself lost. On top of that she was getting rather hungry and with only a few candy bars in her duffel she knew she wouldn't last that long out here.

She sighed and sat beside a tree that was nearby curling up into a ball and using her duffel as a pillow. She'd close her eyes just for a moment so that she could hopefully get some clear thoughts running through her mind. But she wound up falling asleep almost as soon as she'd closed her eyes, letting her know just how exhausted she really was.

It was about midday when Flannery woke up with a start after having her duffel bag ripped out from under her. She looked up more in shock than anything once she saw a very large black form standing beside her and it was tearing through her bag. Flannery began to slowly scoot away from the creature beside her hoping to god that it wouldn't turn to look at her. Her fears were realized when she saw a long scorpion tail along the ground coming from the creatures back, it was a Devil.

Without even meaning to Flannery's breath caught in her throat forcing out a very light squeak. The Devil's head whipped to the side looking almost panicked when it saw that Flannery wasn't there, as it shot to it's feet leaning heavily on it's knuckles much like a monkey. Flannery slapped her hand over her mouth to keep herself from making another sound, but the sound of her hand hitting her mouth was loud enough. The Devil's head snapped to the side and it's intensely bright eyes looked almost relieved to see her still nearby.

It approached her almost as if it knew her and sat beside her with it's long muscular arms in between it's legs as if it were awaiting her to tell it something. Flannery took this strange Devil's features in, seeing that it looked very much like a seven foot tall baboon with a red face and horn protruding from it's face. It had fur as dark as a Hellhounds and she saw the long scorpion tail lift itself off the ground and begin to dangle above it's head. It didn't look like it meant her harm, and Flannery got the sneaking suspicion that this thing was the same thing that attacked their camp just the other night.

She swallowed and begun to get to her feet freezing when the baboon shot to its feet and crouched down with it's rear end in the air. It wasn't snarling at her, it didn't even growl, it almost looked like it wanted to play. Flannery grabbed a small stick as she got to her feet and waved it at the creature whose head and eyes followed the sticks every movement. Feeling ridiculous for even attempting this Flannery threw the stick as hard as she could over the creek. The baboon watched it go and looked back at Flannery with a puzzled expression.

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