Sam says, "Kay, we'll split, Ellie and I are so getting burgers from five guys."

"Oh hell ya, five guys! Move out!" Ellie giggles, running down the boardwalk. 

"UGH. I better find something as good as good good!" Brennen groans once again.

"BROTHER, NOTHING IS AS GOOD AS GOOD GOOD!" Colby shouts as he walks into the distance.

"COLBY, What about DADDY'S BURRITOS?" Nik yells at him. 

"MY BAD BRO," Colby says with his hands up.

"Yeah, YOUR BAD," Nik laughs, walking off with Sam, Brennen and Ellie. Colby shakes his head and walks in the opposite direction. I follow him. 

Why'd I agree to come with him? He just kissed his girlfriend.

Wait a minute...

It's his girlfriend. 

Ellie is his girlfriend, not me and I keep forgetting that. 

I'm not ready to be his yet. 

We walk in silence but the noise of the public fills the empty sound between us. We get to the little stand and order two small fries. He pays for me when I distinctively offered my cash. He took my cash, made me turn around, and put it back in my backpack. 

"Thanks for the fries," I half smile as Colby and I are now leaning on a fence by the water, looking out at the sunset. 

Another sunset.

"No problem," He grins sweetly. 

The quiet between us isn't awkward anymore but comforting. 

We just leaned on a fence that divided us from the ocean, overlooking the pink cascaded sky. 

He scoots closer to me for our shoulders to be touching. After a solid ten minutes, we had finished our fries. He goes to throw them away and turns back. I don't face him but have my back towards him and keep admiring the view. 

"You ready to head back?" He asks, breaking the silence between us.

"Few more minutes... I don't usually get to admire sunsets like these often," I sigh, scanning the horizon. 

"You always admire sunsets like these," He scoffs.

"May be so, but not really with you," I say in a hushed voice.

He walks over next to me and puts an arm around my shoulders. "There'll be more sunsets for us to admire, Ash."

"Next time you admire a sunset, it'll be with Ellie," I reply softly, leaning my head in the crook of his neck. 

"Don't say that, you know I'd rather be with you."

I widen my eyes, what a fuck boy move. I wiggle from under his arm and stare, "Wow, fuck boy."

"What! What I do?" He questions with genuine confusion. 

"I saw you kissing Ellie! Don't lie to me," I interrogate. 

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" I'm confused, why isn't he being normal and denying it. 

"Yes. I'm sorry, truly am okay."

"Is that sarcasm? How come are you not-"

"Denying it?" He glances down for a second and peers up, "I just don't really know what to do with myself if I can't be with you. I'm like, forced, to be with Ellie. She's an amazing girl but I'm not the guy for her."

I open my mouth to speak but no words came out. He looks at me, encouraging me to say something.

I stammer, "What are you saying? Are you going to break up with her?" 

"Yes... Maybe... No? I don't know!" He exasperates, burying his hands in his face. "This is so complicated."

"Now, I'm sorry. You know what I'm putting at risk, my-"

He muffles harshly into his hands, "Your friendships, your fans, your career, your life, ya I remember. How could I forget."

I step back, kinda hurt he said it like that. "O-oh, sorry then."

"N-no! I didn't mean to say it like that! Baby, you know I'll wait," He says, taking in my hands. I look into his ocean eyes and smile. 

This kid drives me crazy. 

He smiles back, "I'll wait for you, I'll be with her until I can have you, I want you." 

I wrap my arms around him and connect our foreheads.

I smirk, "Fill in the gap."

He grins and leans in to kiss me. It was soft and loving and I'm really feeling the fireworks. Or bombs... it's just so explosive. He makes me feel like no other. 


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We were rivals, but to everyone else, we still are. 

 How can we change that?

We pull away from the slow rhythm to breathe. 

"Uh, Ashlyn?" He whispers.

"Mhm?" I hum happily.

He looks past my shoulder, "I think we just fucked up... should've stuck with the car pact."

"What?" I turn around to meet someone I'd least expect. They were red and looking furious. 

"How. Long. Has this been going on!" The person shouts at us. 

"Please don't tell!" Colby pleads, walking up to them.

"No way in hell is this actually happening... and you didn't even tell me? HOW?" The voice yells.

"Calm down, we can explain," I rationalize to them.

"Fine, let's be quick. Elton's back."

"Okay, Sam."



I didn't imagine two reads when I was first writing this book. But ya'll keep blowing my expectations out the water! I read every single fucking comment and I'm so grateful for all the lovely people I've met because I've been writing this story<3

@alohaa_ayanna @malllloryyyy @Ash_Golbach_Brock 

Thank you girliessss<3 It's deeply appreciated *tears up*

I'm writing this on my birthday which is da 10th and and we reached 10k today:D Coincidence? I THINK NOT.


comment "colbean is my favorite bean" if you read up to here!:)

hugs, kt

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