Too Late To Ever Feel The Same (Hamilton x Reader)

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Too Late To Ever Feel The Same (Alexander x Reader)

Warning: Cussing, mentions of divorce, angst (does that need a warning?)

Summary: Life isn't a fairytale, not everyone is gets their happily ever after.

A/N:  This is my first attempt at a Modern AU, so I hope you like it. I picked October 26 at random, so we're gonna pretend it falls on a weekend. Also, I may or may not have been watching Turn while writing some of this, which explains some of the name choices.


The days and nights seemed to blend into one another; there was no way for him to know exactly how long he had been sitting at his desk. His office looked like a hurricane rolled through, leaving papers and books scattered everywhere. He swore to himself that he would sit there and continue to write until his body gave out.

"If I can just get these damn words right!" Alexander growled as he balled up yet another sheet of paper, throwing into the growing piles of trash scattered throughout the room. "If I can get the words right, she'll see I'm the one she needs to be with. I have to make her see that." He mutters to himself as he begins writing again.

The office door opens and two figures stand in the doorway, but Alexander doesn't take notice the only thing that exists to him are the paper and pen in front of him.

"How long has he been like this?" The taller figure asked

"I dunno, three days, maybe longer. He hasn't been to work and I've been trying to reach him for a couple days and so when he didn't answer, I came over to check on him and this is how I found him. I'm not even sure he's gotten up from the chair at all." The shorter figure replied.

"Alexander..." The two figures enter the room, slowly walking towards Alexander

"Alexander..." Still no reply or acknowledgement, Alexander keeps his focus on the paper in front of him.

"ALEXANDER!" He's shaken by the shoulder; he finally looks up to see his friends Lafayette and John standing in front of him.

"Oh, when did you guys get here?"

"Alex, you need to take a break. You've been in this room for God knows how long. When was the last time you ate something?" The concern in John's voice is clear, even to Alexander.

"Break? I can't take a break! [Y/N] needs to know that I still love her, I need her back. John, I need her back, I have to fix this. I can't do that if I take a break."

"Not this shit again." John mutters to himself as he shook his head.

"You're not thinking clearly, just stop for awhile. Take a rest, get something to eat and take a shower. It'll help you think, right John?" Lafayette looks toward John in search of his support.

"Exactly, get some food and take a nap, it'll clear your head. You can come back to this with fresh eyes. We'll even help you, but you have to take a break first. Don't make us call Herc."

"Fine." As Alexander grudgingly gets up from his chair, it soon becomes clear he hasn't gotten up from that spot in some time; his legs are wobbly under him as he stumbles backwards.

"Alright man, come on lets get you some food before you pass out on us." John and Lafayette each take Alexander by an arm and carefully walk him downstairs. Once in the kitchen, Lafayette sits Alexander at the small dining room table while John rifles through the cabinets, looking for something to quickly prepare before Alex changes his mind.

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