Chapter 7

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Kalice's POV

I woke up the next morning to the smell of french toast, eggs, and bacon. I looked over and saw that Jayce was gone. Wait? Is Jay cooking? Haha! That's funny Jay Cooking! I went in his bathroom took a shower, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got dressed. That's the beauty of having spare clothes at your best friend's house! I put on Khalki Cargo's and a white YSL logo tee. I went down stairs to find some big breasted bimbo making breakfast! What the hell? She looked up at me and her face instantly hardened. I've seen that hardened look before, in fact I see it everyday. It's the face jealous girls give me when they see how beautiful I am. But I didn't even comb my hair how beautiful can be at 10 am without having comb my hair?!

"Good morning" I said trying to lighten up the air. She didn't answer. Okay, what the hell is her problem?! It's too early in the day to have such a rude attitude. I shrugged my shoulders, and went to sit on the couch and turned on the tv. Ignoring big breasted girl's existence. 10 minutes later Jayce came trotting down the steps, he came over to me and kissed me on my forehead and said "good morning Kayy."

"Morning Jayy." I replied cheerfully. At least someone knew how to say good morning around here. He went over to his busty bimbo and told her good morning "no kiss for me?" she asked flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes. "Didn't you have enough kisses last night Caroline." he said winking. Okay, eww! She giggled and blushed like the stupid broad she looked like. When the hell did she get here anyway? Last night i distinctly remember Jayy falling asleep. Oh well, I picked upmy phone and saw 16 missed calls from my mom. Ugh! I'll call her back. Instead I decided to call Jason. He answered on the third ring

"Hello" he said sleepily

"Good morning." I said cheerfully

"Morning" he said sounding half dead "Oh come on, Don't tell me your still sleeping!" I said

"No. I'm up." he said I can tell he was lying

"Yeah. I'm sure you are, if you're still sleeping I'll just hang up and call back later." I said hoping he would say he wasn't tired

"How can I be talking to you and sleeping at the same time?" he asked

"Touché my dear friend. Touché" I said in a British accent causing him to laugh. Oh my gosh, his laugh is so cute!

"Okay. That was cute, an enough to get me up. What are your plans for the day?" he asked

"Um. I'll probably go play basketball with Jayy if he isn't busy with his big breasted bimbo." I said

"Big breasted you say? How big?" he asked

"Okay, are you asking to get slapped at 10 am?" I said jokingly. He laughed "I'm just kidding. And wait. You play basketball?" he asked doubtfully

"Yeah. Jayy taught me how to play back in fifth grade."

"But you're WAY too short to be playing basketball my dear friend." he said mockingly.

"I play extremely well for someone my height. And FYI I'm not that short!" I said defensively.

" Key words there sweetheart are 'for my height' you play well for someone your height."

"I probably play better than you!" I said

"Wanna bet?" he asked

"Definitely." I said with a smile on my face

"Are you already showered and dressed?" he asked


"Jayce's house in 20?"

"Sure. You remember how to get here?"

"Yeah. My aunt lives a few doors down from him."

"Oh okay." I said

"Be ready in 15" he said

"I thought it was 20?"

"Now I'm making it 15." he said jokingly and hung up. I got up off of the couch and headed for the stairs. And into Jayce's room to search for my pair on basketball shorts. After 10mins of searching for shorts I got frustrated and was about to borrow a pair of Jayce's when my phone rang. It was Jason

"Hello?" I said

"Ready?" he asked

"I have my sports bra and sneakers on but I can't find my shorts." I said

" I have an extra pair in the back you could borrow." he said. And I smiled. Aww that's cute!

"Are they clean?" I asked knowing that most boys keep a whole bunch of dirty clothes in their trunks.

"Yes, they are clean. I just washed them yesterday." he said

"Kay. I'll tell Jayce to open the door." I said and hung up.

"Jayy! Open the door!" I shouted from the top of the stairs as I began to walk down them in my khaki cargos, concords (Jordans. Specifically 11's) and a black sports bra. I saw Jason and a huge smile came across my face and I saw Coraline or Caroline what the fuck her name is. Big breasted girl? Yeah. Her, I saw her jaw drop as she saw Jason walk in the room.

"Good morning." she said. I rolled my eyes. Oh NOW she knows how to say Good morning?!

"Good morning everyone. Morning Kalice." he said

"We said our good mornings on the phone. Remember?"

"I know I just wanted to say it again." he said smiling causing me to blush.

"Did you bring the shorts?"

"Oh shit. I forgot them in the car. I'll be right back." he said walking out the door. As Jason left Jayy decided to speak

"Kayy, what is he doing here?! & what are you wearing where is your shirt?!" shouted Jayy

"We are going to play basketball. And what's wrong with what I'm wearing? I wear this all the time when WE play basketball." I said putting emphasis on the word we.

"That's different. And how come you didn't ask me to play basketball with you?" he asked sounding hurt

" You seemed busy with Coraline over here."

" Excuse name is Caroline" she said

"Excuse me. I dont give a fuck. Your name could have been Babatunde for all I care." I said turning back to Jayce only to find him giving me that "was that necessary?" face. And in walks Jason

"Here you go." he said handing me a pair of shorts.

"Thanks." I said and went to go change and this time a put my YSL logo tee over my sports bra just so I wouldn't have to hear Jayce's mouth about it later. I ran back downstairs to find everyone sitting in silence. Oookayyy...AWKWARD!

"Ready?" I asked Jason. He just nodded and headed towards the door. I gave Jayy a hug and walked out the door. I saw his face soften once he noticed that I put on a shirt. "Ready to lose shortie?" asked Jason.

"You've gotta' be kidding! The day I lose to you is the day I go skinny dipping." I said

"And they day I lose to you sweetheart is the day I become gay." he said

"Hmm. Let's make this interesting" he continued.

"Uh-oh." was all I could say

He smiled " If I win you have to go skinny dipping at a public beach." Fuck!

"Hmm, okay if I win you have to hit on a gay guy." I said smiling.

"No problem." he said with a sly grin


A Few Hours Later...

The score was 43 to 52.

Guess who won?!


TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! I know it's LOOOOONG OVERDUE ! Sorry for the wait <3 <3

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