chapter 30

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I was walking in the hallway getting to class when jennifer(popular girl) bumpes into me with her shoulder making my bag drop"What the fuck bro?"."first off don't call me bro and second you mad or mad as fuck".Eww she should not do that,"Bitch what?".her crew circled around us"What are you gonna do you big baby?".she stuck out her bottom lip and pretended to wipe her tears.I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed my bag"Fuck you and your crew"."I don't go that way".Ashley,her crew member said,"I bet your little boyfriend do".Jennifer said"I don't have a boyfriend"."Well ross,whatever you wanna call him....well he kind of has a thing for me,so back off!".No one messes with ross and I mean no one because he is mine,well not really but you know what I mean."Listen Barbie,he doesn't want you or your plastic surgery get a life and walk away".I turned my back and remembered"oh and your nose is crooked".I said,she quickly covered her face and ran to the bathroom.I walked to class and made my seat.

If jennifer Messes with ross,I'll show her what she's asking for,And if her and her little gossip crew wants to mess with me and take ross away from me then so be it,just know she's not the only one with a crew.

This means WAR!

A/N:Yooo! this means war and this is the last chapter but don't freak out a sequel is coming in like a week or two,Also its going to be called Love And War

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