chapter 12

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I'm currently in the corner with a blade on my wrists,at school I've been called ugly,worthless,fat,stupid,loser,emo,and I'm not even emo so they need to shut the fuck up,and I don't even care if they call me fat because well if a girl got to eat,a girl got to most of the time I'm bored and when I'm bored I eat and I'm bored all the time.But I'm not fat at least I think I'm not fat,if you wanna see fat,search it up.

but they called me ugly,worthless,and a loser,it hurts to think that you were doing something right but you weren't doing anything,and that's just embarrassing.

That's why I'm currently in the corner cutting,every slice I take,slowly but painfully releasing stress,blood dripping one by one.

I have every reason to cut

1 cut.For being a loser

2 cut.For being ugly

3 cut.For being worthless

4 cut.For letting all this crap get to me

5 cuts.For being dumb enough to not even think of another reason.

I dropped the blade,and cleaned myself up.

Suddenly a paper plane flew in here,I knew I should have closed the window.I picked it up read it.

Dear Ariel,

Stop Cutting it won't make you any better,its just making you worse,you say you cut because of the bad things that happen at school and one day those cut marks will still be there and every mark will be a reminder of the past.Then you will just start cutting again because of the same reasons.

Just keep your head up and don't let it get to you,princess

Love,your secret admirer

I looked out the window and saw the bushes shake a little and I smirked because I knew he was watching me.

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