chapter 2

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I turned around and kept walking home I don't want a thing to do with him."hey didn't I tell you to wait?".he asked as he grabbed my arm.I nodded.

"You have a mouth,so why don't you talk?".he asked."if I do,you would just hurt me".I saw something in his eyes but I don't know what it is.

A car pulled up with the lynches inside of it."Ross what are you doing with this loser!".ratliff asked.

"Just telling her how dumb she is!".he answered,he pushed me on the floor and hopped in the car.I got up and dusted myself off and started walking home again.why do they do this to me,I did nothing wrong.

*Next Morning*

My mom woke me up way to early,at least today is Friday.I took a shower,brushed my teeth,and combed my hair.I put on a gray sleeved shirt to hide my scars,ripped jeans,and my black converse.I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs.

"Have a great day at school!".my mom shouted,my dad passed a few years ago."I'll try!".I shouted.

I walked out the door and began on my journey to school,people in cars threw paper balls at me,or even empty notebooks.I just kept walking,when I reached inside I blocked out all the rude comments and went straight to my locker and stuffed my backpack in there,I have music class today and I don't need my bag.I walked straight to class and sat down.

"Ok, attention class today we will have free time which means instead of learning music notes we will sing instead".Ms. Rachel said.

I love singing I really do,its my passion,its my life,I'm actually youtube famous all over the U.S but not at this school as you can see,I post songs/covers on youtube every weekend.But,I never sang in class,not that I'm shy but I just don't feel like hearing these people talk shit."Find a song you would like to sing,I will give you ten minutes".

Oh,shit what do I sing,what do I sing."So, what are you singing?".rocky asked me."I don't know"."Your voice is terrible anyway".he smirked and walked away.

I think I'm gonna sing a song from bruno mars."ten minutes are up,who would like to go first?".I quickly raised my hand,why did I do that,I don't want to go first.I walked in front and grabbed the mic."I'm going to be singing talking to the moon by Bruno Mars".

The class stayed quiet,that's a first

"I know your somewhere out there,somewhere far away,I want you back,i want you back,my neighbors think I'm crazy,but they don't understand,your all I had,your all I had,at night when the stars light up my room,I sit by myself,talking to the moon,trying to get to you,in hopes your on the other side talking to me too or am I a fool who sits alone talking to the moon".I sang

I saw a couple of people sway side to side as I sang,I kind of feel like everyone doesn't hate me anymore but its not real,I've been bullied so much that I can't trust anyone.

At the end of the song,they clapped but through the crowd I could see rocky punching his hand,I felt a sick feeling inside me,rocky is the worst out of the group.I quickly got off stage and ran to my locker I was about to open it until someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Let me go!".I struggled to get from that persons grip."Shut up".I could tell this was rocky.he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me into the lockers."What did I do?".I asked on the verge of tears.I saw anger in eyes."You ruined my life".before I could respond he punched me in the face,how did I ruin his life.

I tried to cover my face but it only gave him other places to hurt me.

He kneed me in the stomach,oh god that hurt. Blood came from my mouth and nose, I fell to the ground losing all the strength in my body. He kept kicking me in the stomach,he kicked me everywhere,and to add to it,he wore his boots today.

I couldn't breathe at all, I was panicking and scared. He grabbed my hair and lifted my head up."Next time will be worse".he whispered and took off.

I think my nose is broken,but that's the least of my worries if stepping on my face isn't bad enough,I don't know what is.

I just laid there with my eyes closed as the pain took over my body,suddenly I felt a large pair of arms carry me up and take me somewhere.

I don't know who it was because I didn't bother to open my eyes,soon I fell into a deep sleep as the person was carrying me or at least I think I'm asleep.

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