chapter 14

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Samantha was nervous walking down, she knew the ball was in full swing , she could hear voices and she saw from her window the cars and people who trouped in dressed elegantly. She looks at herself in the mirror and wonders if she was not over dressed.

It was a simple red gown, but beautiful nonetheless. He didn’t see it and yet he paid for it. She wasn’t used to getting expensive gifts from anyone, well..she never liked to feel indebted to anyone, so she never received. But he said this was a present, no strings attached.

She sighs, he was obviously waiting for her downstairs and she wonders if she should go or keep stalling. She looks at her dress again, she hopes he likes it. Then she makes up her mind, leaves her room and takes the staircase, one at a time.

She saw him standing at the foot of the stairs, waiting for her, she saw him turn and then there was a look in his eyes she swore she had never seen before.. he keeps staring at her and she almost felt weak walking down the stairs.

That saying “If looks could kill” didn’t lie, but in this case, his looks wasn’t killing her, it was making her yearn for what she could see in his eyes and yet not understand ,

Jesus Mr Bass, why does your look right now send shivers down my spine?.

Trying not to fall she walks down to him as he watches her..

She is standing face to face and she is wondering why he isn’t saying anything..yet.

Then he held her hand, bringing her close to him as his face rests close to hers to brush her cheeks with his lips as a form of greeting, then he whispers into her ears “Samantha, I want to tell you how I really feel”

“What do you really feel?” she looks up staring at him

He opens his mouth to bare it all out, then

“Mr Bass, how wonderful to see you again!” a woman dressed royally says to him as she makes her way into the waiting area with her detail  which was more than a dozen people, she reaches him as he takes her hands and kisses it

“Your Excellency, it is a pleasure indeed to be invited again to wine and dine with you’’ they smile

“And who is this beautiful lady?’’

“She is ..Samantha Brokes, my erm…’’ he trails off

“A very good friend of his” Samantha says smiling to the elderly woman

“Well, I hope not for long” she smiles to Samantha “Bass, she is beautiful, don’t wait too long to do the needful’’

He laughs , oh I don’t intend to “Shall we?”

“Yes we shall”

They were ushered into the ballroom and then everything takes on full swing.


He introduced her to guests. Normally , his person before would have left the woman he came with to herself while he spoke business with guests, but him now? he didn’t want to do it thesame. He wants her to be a part of his world as he would want to belong to hers, so throughout the ball, he didn’t let her go away without him following her, letting her hand rest on his arms, danced with her, laughed with her, and danced more with her.

It was almost 9pm when the ball ended, and they bade their goodbyes.

“Tired?” he asks her as they make their way upstairs


“So from a scale of one to ten, how was your day today?’’

She is smiling “well, let’s see, I flew out of town to this beautiful hotel meant for royals and high elites, I get to walk through the streets, danced, ate from the streets, screamed’’ she laughs

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