chapter 8

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“Are you for real?” Jamie asks her,

“You didn’t have to come all the way here for that” Samantha opens the door wide for her friend to come in

“Are you kidding? For this kind of juicy jist, I would cross the mountain and seven seas, tell me again what happened” Jamie enters, plops on the chair and stares at her friend.

“Well, he saw me and then followed me, went all pompous ass on me and ofcourse, you know I never liked that and…”

“No tell me the part where he kissed you?”

Samantha thins her lips “ Well I was telling him to get out of my way and he just grabs me and kisses
me..Arghhh I was so furious, so.. I slapped him wham!! On his face..oh you should have seen his face, he was shocked..i guess he never gets that reaction from his lady friends and I am not even his friend, I do not like him, infact I find him terribly annoying and he doesn’t like me either, he is such an egocentric bastard, and what did he think, I would just swoon and kiss him back….noooo!!! not me, I slapped him and shoved him out of my way…he is crazy..what the hell was wrong with him, typical man…and I hate typical men.. what was he thinking?walk up to me, draw up  his chauvinist attitude and when I don’t bulge and apologize he goes…’kiss her, she becomes a jelly’…oh I am glad I reseted his brains”

Jamie was looking at her “Okay let me get this straight, my sexy ass rich boss grabs you and kisses you, it doesn’t matter for whatever reason he did that but he kisses you and all you could think about is not to kiss him back but to slap him, literally..i mean those lips, that face and that  body pressed to you and instead for you to melt..yes i said melt, don’t look at me like you.. you push him and you slap him…oh dear lord, give me water, I want to faint…no fan please “ she touches her head and then neck…”No’’ she gets up and touches Samantha’s forehead and her neck, Samantha hits her hands away

“Stop it Jamie, you sound like a loved sick deranged puppy”

“No I really need to check because…wow Samantha..he kissed you…and you walked out of there with both your legs standing straight. I would buckle, I would grow weak and I would ask for more”

“Good thing I wasn’t you. I still have my senses intact”

“So you really didn’t feel anything …?”
She docks as Samantha throws her a throw-pillow, she laughs

“Don’t be silly’s been how long know, you should know I wasn’t even remotely interested in men for a bit now and Mr Bass is the last man on earth I would ever think off…’’

“You know he asked around for you”
“Yeah he mentioned, and you mentioned and what did he want ? to pay me for my work…well he can shove it up his rectum”

Jamie sighs “I miss the old you, you used to be nice, warm and sweet”

“Yes and had people like Christopher run a mile with me no!….i know who I am and what I want, and bending to the whims and caprices of men, especially men like Mr Bass is something I would never do. Imagine he had a female companion for the evening and yet he comes after me to prove his point that he was angry and needed to sort it out with me? What a laugh..he has no respect for women and I made him see that, maybe those women don’t value themselves but I do and if any man treats me anyway I don’t like, boss, friend, colleague, father, even lover, I would put them in their place,  I am sure Mr Bass got that loud and clear…he would stay clear away from me”

“You will end up alone baby, men like to dominate and be ontop..well I like being untop too sometimes “she laughs, Samantha shakes her head

“Well it’s my life, and who cares if that’s how their biological makeup is, no man would be the boss of me in my personal life and way” her phone rings

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