chapter 13

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For  every year for a while, she had spent her birthdays practically alone since she moved away from home, going to school, getting a job and moving out of state eventually in pursuit of a better life.

Most of the times, it has been she and Jamie, they have been friends for as long as she could remember, and when she wasn’t home with her parents celebrating her birthday, she was with Jamie as they screamed at the top of their voices doing a karaoke, and later they cut her cake, and then drive around town having fun and when they was a boy it would be three of them. It has always been like that, and days Jamie wasn’t around, just like today she was going to spend it a movie, open her gifts, lick ice-cream and then later at night, she might just go into town and listen to jazz, then come home and eat her cake after blowing out the candle and make wishes that never comes true.

Another day, another year gone, another year added and she wouldn’t feel slightly older.she felt the same, just the extra number added to her years.

And today was going to be one of those quiet birthday days, until Jake Bass happened, showing up on her doorstep.

She shakes her head as she picked up her bag, throwing a few things inside it, she pauses in the process..

“What are you doing Samantha?You don’t like him, you said so, so what if he showed up with a letter telling you stuff, doesn’t mean he has changed, but you don’t care right, not like you guys had anything or felt anything for each should just tell him ‘Good for you’ and slam the door on his face, what are you doing Samantha?’’ she asks herself sitting down


“But really Samantha, there is no harm in going out, besides, you were going to be home alone, watching boring Tv, eating your cake alone and being lonely while even Jamie is out with some boy wonder and you would be alone  alone..alone “ she bites her lips “He did say sorry, and it’s not as if he had any bad intentions, I’ll slap him if he tries to get all Jake Bass on me. He said he just wants to do something nice for me for a harm right?Besides it’s my birthday, I should cut him some slacks right?”

Oh what would Jesus do?

No wrong, Jesus would say flee from all appearances of evil.

Jake is…

She bites her lips..

Behind that door waiting on her.

“Should I go? Should I not go?Go or not to go. Go or not to go?’’ she bites her lips again “Stay home, alone…or go out?Doesn’t mean I have to like the guy…I still don’t like him. Just for my birthday. Nothing else, accept his apologies and that is it. “ she grabs her bag, her phone, takes a deep breath and opens her door, Todd and Bass still stood there waiting

“Let’s Go”


“So where are we going to?”

“Well, can I be honest?” he turns to her, yes, he missed seeing her face, her stubborn chin and the way she is always on guard. He was glad he ran into Jamie , if not he wouldn’t have been here and neither would she. He wasn’t sure if he could get to her, wasn’t even sure she would want to even look at his face, but he had to try, sitting behind his desk and wishing he could call her never did anything, tossing at night thinking about her never did anything either…he wanted to see her, talk to her…and not even trying to make that happen…was frustrating and it felt like, Jamie was Godsent,. And without thinking  changes his plans and he was finding his way to her place.

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