'Riannon!' Yugyeom voice drifted through the crowd and I turned my head to see him jogging my way. He stopped in front me, catching his breath and looked at me. 'What are you doing here?'

'I don't know either. I got a call from some woman saying that Jackson wanted me to be here for this event.'

'Jackson what?' He looked a bit confused for a moment but suddenly his facial expression changed like something inside his head clicked and he knew something that I don't. 'That bitch!!! Why I oughta...wait till I ..' He was rambling on his own, leaving me clueless.

'Yugyeom! What do you mean? Tell me what's going on? Because I can't take this,' I begged as my eyes started to mist up again involuntarily.

No! You are not gonna cry right now!

I held back my tears and waited for him to answer. He had a sympathetic look on his face and was biting his lips out of anxiety. 'I'm not sure Riannon, but since you're here just stay by my side okay? We'll find out.'

'Thank you Yugyeom. You're the best.' He flashed me a sad smile and ushered me inside.

The event hall was already so packed by the time we entered. It was massive, the whole place illuminated by large intricately designed chandeliers hanging from the ceiling,expensive furnishing drapped the hall, rows of buffet lined the back section. Guests,both men and women,were dressed in their finest as more kept pouring in. There were so many important people here that I felt so little and I was starting to regret my decision now.

Yugyeom was standing beside me, seemingly anxious as I was. A waiter passed by offering wine and he took a minute to decide before grabbing two glasses off the tray. 'Oh what the heck! I probably really need it and so do you,' He mumbled, handing one over to me. And I was grateful because he was right, I needed something to calm my nerves down.

As I took a sip, my eyes scanned the sea of people in front of me,searching for the one person I was here for and dying to talk to. But I couldn't see him anywhere.

'You wanna have something? I mean, I just had dinner a while ago but I'm already hungry again,' Yugyeom smiled at me sheepishly.

'Okay. I'm hungry too,' I replied. Honestly, I haven't had anything since the previous day so I guess I should try to eat. I couldn't starve myself just because of a guy. Just thinking about him, made me wanna cry all over again but I had to hold it in.

We loaded our plates and chose a table in the corner of the hall, away from every wandering eye as they kept shooting glances at me and Yugyeom. He noticed it too and decided to pull me to where we were currently sitting so that I didn't have to feel uncomfortable. I smiled internally, glad that I had a friend like him. For a moment, I forgot about everything as we talked and laughed, while we ate. It felt like any other day when we hung out together.

'Excuse me Yugyeom sir? You're wanted on stage along with the others,' A man, in a black suit, interrupted our talk.

'Umm..okay. I'll be there in a minute.'

'Of course sir.' He bowed slightly and walked away.

'I'll be back in a while okay? I don't think it'll take long. You'll be alright won't you?' He asked with a concerned look.

'I'll be fine Yugyeom. Go ahead. I'll be here.'

'Alright. See you in a bit Riannon.' He ruffled my hair and ran off before I could hit him. I let out a soft chuckle. That kid.

The lights were suddenly dimmed and focused on the centre of the hall where a small stage was placed. One after the other, the members who were part of the company lined up. My throat tightened and I stopped midway while eating as a new wave of nausea suddenly washed over me while I waited for him to make his appearance. I stood up and squirmed my way through the crowd of people, wanting a better look as everyone gathered around the stage.

A Little Bit Of Normal - Jackson Wang Fanfic [Completed](Got7)Where stories live. Discover now