Danse (Part 1)

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Its been almost month since the brotherhood destroyed the institute...and Shaun. I sigh sadly and look through my pip-boy. I sigh and slouch in my chair.

"Sentinel (Y/n)." I jump slightly, thinking there was a brotherhood of steel soldier around. But why would the brotherhood be all the way out here....at a red rocket station. I relaxed when I saw Dance. "Quite the promotion you got." He smiled. "I'm actually proud of you." Then something hit you.

"What are you doing here. I thought you were leaving." I said and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I heard you left the brotherhood and was wondering if I could stay with you?" He said sheepishly.

"I didn't leave the brotherhood. They just don't have any work for me right now. They radio me if they have something. But if you have no where to go you can stay here." I smiled. He nodded and I motioned him to follow me. "I don't sleep out here its just where I go when I want to be alone. I live at Sanctuary down the road." I say and grab my pistol as I heard a slight buzzing. I looked around and saw a blood bug and growled before shooting it. "I hate bugs." He chuckled and we carried on our way. When we got there I set him up with a room in my house and got him a job, in defences. He seemed happy. I sigh as I go to the storage room. Marcy stud there scowling.

"We don't have enough food. Our water supply is dangerously low and our medical supplies...People are wasting them. My main concern is that most of the items are being stolen." She said. I count them this morning and when I count them now we are 10 less in food. 5 less in water and 14 in medical supplies." She sighed sadly. "If we lose anymore we'll die before winter can come again." I flown and look in my bag pack, pulling out some foods like sugar bombs and melons.

"Here. Give supplies to those who need them most and I'll find this thief." I say. She nodded and I walked out.

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