MacCready (Part 1)

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I felt my once smiling face drop as I watched my best friend packing his things. I sigh and looked down.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked. He looked over and sighed. He closed his bag and sat next to me.

"You know the rules (Y/n)." I nod sadly. "But I'll be okay. I only have to go a year alone and then you'll be with me. Or you could leave now if you want?" He asked.

"I would but..." I trailed off thinking about my 7-year-old sister, (S/n) (if you don't have a sister pick a random name). "I have to think about (S/n)." He frowned and looked down. I sigh, looking away. I felt a hand grab mine and I looked at MacCready.

"Just promise when you leave next year you'll come look for me." He said his eyes filling with tears. I smiled sadly and nodded. He leaned closed and kissed my cheek making me blush. He sadly got up and picked up his bag before leaving me alone in the room.

*****6 years later*****Your 21 now(go with it)*****

I sigh as I walked into diamond city. I walked through the city and towards the security. I slam open the door and stormed over and glared at (S/n).

"(Y/n) I'm so sorry I-"

"Just get out. I already paid the mayor to let you go." I sigh and security let her out. She hurried over and I grabbed her arm. "What did you go and steal this time?" I asked.

"Just some food. Nick had some stuff to do and left me with Ellie. She was getting stressed since Nick went off alone and wouldn't listen. She just told me to go to the noodle shop and she'd come pay for it. So I went to the noodle shop and waited for Ellie to come pay. But she never showed up." (S/n) rambled on as I saw two guys walk in and Nick was with them. I growl and grabbed (S/n). I march over and Nick looked over.

"Oh no." He said and walked over. "What happened this time?"

"Ellie wasn't watching her." I sigh and (S/n) glared at me. She pulled her arm free and walked off.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"Home." She snapped. I sigh and looked to Nick and the two new guys.

"So who're the newbies?" I asked.

"This is Nate and MacCready." He smiled and I looked at the others. "Boys this is (Y/n). She the best bounty hunter around here." I smiled and waved.

"(Y/n)?" I looked over at the one he named MacCready. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Did you grow up in Little Lamplight?" He asked. I flinched at the bad memories. I took a step back, lowering my head. My (h/c) hair covering my eyes.

"I better go find (S/n)," I say and walked off quickly. I hurry home and when I got there I locked the door and took a deep breath. It's really him. I found him. I lower my head as my eyes filled with tears. He can never know.

**MacCready's POV**

"Well, that's odd. She's normally touchy about her past but she normally just punch's the person asking." Nick said.

"You think I can go ask around, boss?" I asked looking at Nate. He nodded and I walked away and saw the kid she was with.

"(S/n)?" She jumped and looked at me.

"I didn't do anything." She said and I chuckled. She looked at me weirdly and I shook my head.

"I just wanted to ask you something about your sister (Y/n)," I said.

"Wanna buy me some ammo?" She asked hinting that she wouldn't talk if I didn't. I sigh and nodded. "10mm." I nodded and purchased the amo and she smiled and motioned me to follow her. We sat on the steps up to the exit of Diamond City. "Okay questions?"

"Did you and (Y/n), grow up in Little Lamplight?" She smiled and nodded but then looked away.

"Yeah but when (Y/n) was kicked out she didn't have anywhere to go. We were looking for some guy but when we couldn't find him we got a place, living with some Raiders. We stayed for a couple years. I was confused on how she was paying them...until...I saw them...using her body. She screamed. She wanted them to stop." I watched her shack and tears filled her eyes. "We couldn't leave. They wouldn't let us. She killed them one night and we kept running until we got here. The mayor helped us get a place and (Y/n) became a bounty hunter. I help out in the Colonial Tap house when I can." She explained. I just listened to her.

"Do you know the name of the guy. The one you were hunting down?" I asked.

"Macelly? Mac-something." She said. I smiled and got up.

"Thanks. Need me to walk you home?" I asked she just looked at me.

"I'm 14. I'm not a kid." She said. I chuckled. "Plus I got to go to work in a little while." I nodded and she got up and dug around in her pocket and pulled out a pencil and paper. She wrote something down and handed it to me. "If you want to go see (Y/n) this is our address." I smiled and ruffled her hair. She pushed me off her and laughed. "Just don't be surprised if she doesn't talk much...or if she's drunk." I smiled and she laughed. She walked off waving a little. I looked at the address and headed towards where I knew where the boss was. I walked into Nicks office and walked over to Nate. He walked over.

"Come on I need to go somewhere." He said.

"I can't," I say and pull out the caps he gave me. I give them to him. "Remember when I told you I've been looking for that girl for years." He nodded and I smiled. "Well, I found her. I got to stay here a while. But if you need me at any point just look me up." He nodded and I walked out and looked towards where I knew (Y/n) was.

**(Y/n)'s POV**

I laid there on the couch. I sigh as I grabbed another bottle of wine. I sipped it quickly and threw the bottle letting it smash on the wall. I heard the door open. I guess (S/n)'s back.

"Hey! Bring anything home!?" I yell. Soon a guy walked in. I sit up and looked at him MacCready was there. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, you've been looking for me. I've been looking for you too." He smiled coming over. I reach up, sitting on my needs and just held his face between my hands and looked at him.

"You changed." I sigh and he chuckled.

"So did you." He said looking at the empty bottles of beer and wine.

"No, I just grew up," I growl and grab another beer. I offer it to him and he took it. "Realized what a crappy world I've been living in," I mumble and grab a whiskey for me.

"Well that's what life all of us live," MacCready said pulling out a cigarette packet. He popped one in his mouth and lit it. I watched him take a drag and took it out his mouth and took a drag myself. He chuckled and I hand it back to him. "Indirect Kiss." He chuckled.

"You want a direct kiss or something?" I asked.

"If your offering." He smirked. I laughed and pulled him closer and kissed him softly. I heard our bottles fall to the ground as we held onto each other, desperate for each other. I pulled away and MacCready laid me down and sucked n my neck. I grinned, running my fingers through his hair. He pulled away and kissed me again. "I've wanted to do that for years." I smiled and kissed him again and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. He pulled away and pulled me onto his chest. "Get some sleep (Y/n)."

"Promise, you'll be here when I wake up?" I asked. He smiled and kissed my head.


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