[8] Forgiven

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WARNING: A little smutty at the start guys ;))


I stumbled onto the couch and placed my glass of wine on the counter.
He fell on top of me, smirking, firmly pressing his lips on mine.

The betrayal and devastation, the hurt, the angst, it all dissolved the second our lips came into contact.

"You drive me so f*cking wild." He murmured, pulling on my hair as I felt his jeans tighten, his body on top of mine. I moaned into his mouth as he pulled the green khaki v-neck over my head, causing our lips to separate for a small amount of time. Within seconds his top was discarded on the floor next to mine and I couldn't help but sigh in satisfaction, going viral from his touch. I toyed with his belt for minutes, before finally unbuckling it, and soon his jeans and mine joined the t shirts on the floor.

His teeth nipped my neck and collarbone, his mouth gently kissing the skin that had been untouched by him for so long. All the drama and hate went away, the whole world went away and it was just us.
Me, and Simon.

I woke up with a freeze at his presence, before my mind triggered and I remembered what had happened last night. I tried to get out of bed but Simon held my body close, kissing the side of my face.

"Simon-" I searched for something to say. Just because we'd slept together didn't mean I had automatically forgiven him. Part of me wanted to bask in his presence and forgive him straight away, yet the rest wanted to be the stubborn and sassy person I am, and not forgive him.
His kisses went further up my jawline, reaching my ear, causing me to moan and turn to face him.

"Simon, we can't just forget what happened." I whispered, my heart wrenching at his forlorn face.

He sighed, before saying,
"I don't want you to forget, David, I want you to forgive. Please. I love you so much.
So f*cking much, okay? And," he kissed my nose playfully, "that was the best sex we've ever had." He smirked.

I blushed and pulled away, pulling on my boxers and stepping into the bathroom. I looked at my shirtless body in the mirror and saw the reddish-purple hickeys all down my neck and collar bone. I felt my stomach burn at the thought, my hormones going crazy. I quickly brushed my teeth and showered before walking out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom.

Simon kneeled up on the bed next to me, pulling me onto the mattress and smirking.
"You smell nice." He commented causing me to blush yet again.

"I..." I stumbled over what to do.
He gave me a reassuring smile.
"David, I love you."
"I forgive you." I told him, returning the smile.

He grinned even wider and flipped my body underneath him, kissing me softly.

"God, I missed you.
Please come home." He whispered.
I nodded, kissing him back and pulling the covers over our bodies.

One week later

Things with Simon and I were...

We'd discussed his feelings about the last few weeks before finally coming the conclusion that he did have a small midlife crisis. But he was over it, I was sure of that. He was particularly over Symptom 4 - Loss of Sex Drive. I knew this because, well... let's just say we never fell asleep with our clothes on.

We were currently sat in the auditions room, and I watched Simon chew his lip in concentration as he watched the act.

"What song are you going to be singing today?" I asked the girl. She looked like a pop star already. She wore ripped, blue jeans, high waisted fishnet tights and a pastel blue cropped jumper.

"I'm gonn' be singin' Starvin' by Hailee Steinfeld." She told me.

"Alright, love. Do your best." I replied.

She was an amazing singer without a doubt, but I couldn't help but giggle. This was the first song Simon and I ever made out to, and my head was in my hands as I blushed.

"David." Simon hissed, kicking my leg underneath the chair, causing me to almost fall off. Alesha started laughing at my giggling state, before Simon put his hand up and said,

"It's four yeses, definitely. I'll answer for them, sorry." He smiled, and she walked off stage.

"David!" He exclaimed, pushing his shoulder.

"Why did you do that?" He asked. I laughed, as he smirked and said,

"Guess you'll have to punish me."

"David," I said quietly, biting my lip, "stop being so smutty."

"Simon," I mimicked, "stop biting your f*cking lip."

He rolled his eyes as I sat on his lap, causing the audience to aw. I ruffled his hair and posed for the camera as Alesha and Amanda filmed us for their snapchat.

That night, I lay in bed with my head resting on Simons chest. He scrolled on his laptop as I toyed with the hem of his tshirt, sighing in content.

"Simon?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He replied.

"I need to tell you something. I'm not sure how you're going to feel about this, but I-"

"David, just tell me." He ordered.

"I want-


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