[5] Distress

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I gaped in aw. Simon and I had made up since he refused to kiss me, and I couldn't believe what he had done.
"You brought a motor bike?" I questioned in shock.
"Yep. I've always wanted one." He said proudly, shining the vehicle.
"You're fifty five, Si. Isn't it a bit late for that?" I asked. He rolled his eyes in return.
"I feel like I've been wasting my life away, David. I want to make the most of it."

It was late, the night after our argument and he'd only just gotten home. We ate dinner, to which Simon had complained I'd done the eggs wrong. Something wasn't right with him - he was acting irritable.
"Wanna watch a movie? You can pick." I said, trying to cheer him up as we sat on the couches in the lounge.
"Can we just go to bed?" He replied.
I smirked and raised a single eyebrow.
"Not like that, David. Can we just... cuddle?" He asked, sounding down.
"Sure." I smiled weakly, as I lead him towards the bedroom and snuggled into the pillows.

The next morning, I couldn't help but sigh at the fact that it had been over a week since Simon and I had made out, or done anything more. I was worried that his love for me was fading, despite my feelings for him being so strong. I felt like crying.

I grabbed my jogging clothes and went out for a run; leaving Simon fast asleep.

I woke up to the bing of my phone and an empty bed. I assumed David had gone out for a run.
I felt emotionally, mentally, socially and physically tired, despite the fact that I'd just slept for hours.
Finally, I had a text from Lauren.
From: Lauren
So sorry. My flight got delayed and I ran out of credit on my phone. I've picked up Eric from Suzie's house. I need to speak to you in person. L xxx

To: Lauren
Meet me at yours in an hour. Simon

For some reason, the hate I had previously felt for Lauren had faded. I didn't feel anything for her anymore. I quickly got changed, leaving a note for David saying I had an emergancy meeting at Britains Got Talent. I knew he'd be upset if he knew I was seeing Lauren.

An hour later, I was sat in the living room with Lauren. She smiled weakly at me, which I returned.
"We need to talk." I said.
"Yeah..." she mumbled, fumbling with her hands, handing me a glass of wine. It was early to drink but I really didn't care.
"So..." I continued.
"The motor bike," she gestured towards the vehicle, "I like it. It makes you seem younger," She reached over and touched my hand, "hotter." She added.


Panting and sweating, I jogged towards my front door and I was delighted to see my mother sat in the car outside.

"Mum!" I exclaimed, going in to hug her before deciding against it, not wanting her to smell of sweat.
"Hello darling. How are you? How's Simon?"
"He's... He's okay, Mum. Come inside."

As my mother sat down in the living room, I quickly ran up to get changed and find Simon. He was no where to be seen. I noticed a note placed on the dresser.

Emergancy meeting for the advertisement at BGT.
Be back soon.
Simon x

I sighed, wondering what was happening.
Was he depressed?
No, surely not.
I showered rapidly, before changing into black jeans and an oversized sweater and running downstairs. I explained to my mother as to Simon's whereabouts whilst I put the kettle on and brewed the tea. My mum babbled on about silly things, such as whether or not Theresa May would continue as our Prime Minister, and why I kept tweeting Donald Trump. My mind urged me to tell her how Simon was acting.

"Something's not right with Simon..." I muttered to her as I handed her the steaming cup of tea.
"What do you mean, love?" She asked, placing her hand over mine.
"I- I don't know, he just seems... sad." I replied.
"Don't worry, love. I'm sure things will sort themselves out." she assured me, smiling.
I explained to her that I had the auditions to film, so I pecked her on the cheek before we both exited the house and went out separate ways.

As I drove my Audi R8, I fiddled with the radio.

Cause it's you, and me, and all of the people and I don't know why, I can't take my eyes off of you.

Our wedding song. I switched the channels.

I hate you, I love you

I switched it again.

I didn't know that I was starving-

The song we first kissed to. Everything reminded me of how things used to be, and how they weren't in this last week.


"This was so wrong..." I uttered, putting on my underwear, pulling up my trousers and putting my shirt on.
"I don't know what's wrong with me. This shouldn't of happened." I said, grabbing the car keys and walking out the door.

Please don't hate me lol.
Also, I have quite a few chapters ready to be updated as we had a 3 hour coach journey for school yesterday. This one and yesterday's one included.
Enjoy... or not enjoy cause WHATS UP WITH SIMON?
None of you have guessed it right so far.

i'm yours | damon ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن