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Word Count: 1503• DAVID • 6 months later

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Word Count: 1503
6 months later

"How much longer?" Eric whined as he held onto my hand.
"Soon, mate, his planes just landed." I replied, ruffling his hair and sitting on the waiting stools.

I was delighted that Lauren had let us have Eric this weekend, as it had been a whole month since Simon left to film American Idol and I hadn't seen him since. Normally, it was a struggle to even see Eric for an hour, but today she suspiciously didn't have a problem with it.

"Daddy!" Eric squealed excitedly, running towards the plane as Simon walked down the stairs. He jumped into Simon's arms and Simon spun him around, kissing his forehead.

Simon put Eric down, holding his hand as they walked towards me. I smiled wryly as he approached, before I decided I couldn't hold back any longer and ran the last few steps towards him, engulfing him in a huge hug.

"I missed you so much." I muttered, embracing him. He murmured in agreement.
He pecked my lips, nibbling my lip subtly, before using his spare hand to hold mine, his other holding Eric's.

"How was Idol?" I asked as we got into the car and strapped Eric into his booster seat.
"Good, tiring though. I missed my boys, however." He replied.
"Daddy David helped me learn how to ride a bike!" Eric exclaimed, grinning a toothy smile.
"Did you?" He questioned, smiling up at me as I focused on the road.
"Yeah." I chuckled, turning onto our street. We lived in our own house now, a huge mansion with big bedrooms and a spacious garden.

A few hours later, Eric was fast asleep in his bedroom, whilst Simon and I sat long ways on the couch.

"I haven't coped without you, Si." I whispered, embarrassed.
He grinned.
"I'm back now, so you don't have to worry." He replied, snuggling into me. I sat with my legs in a V, with him sat between them and his back resting against my stomach.

I kissed his forehead, before saying,
"We've got Eric for the whole weekend, by the way."
"Really?" He questioned.
"Yeah, she seemed eager for us to have him..." I pondered.
"Well, I think that's great. Time with my two favourites." He complimented, kissing my lips.

"I missed you so much. The house feels so empty without you..." I said, blushing.
"How's the writing going?" He questioned.
My plan was to start on a new book whilst Simon was away, in order to take my time of things.
"Eric helped so much," I laughed, "he tells me about all the naughty things him and his friends do at school, and then I exaggerate them and have been making it into a story. It's going well." I smiled as he grinned, saying
"You and Eric are getting on so well. I love it."

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