Chapter 51 - 2 weeks

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It's been almost two weeks since Lola and the boys left, and it's needless to say thing have been boring. Not just there's no food in the fridge boring, but the I wonder if I should practice my maths online boring. You see, when they were here, I always had at least one of them to talk to, but now they're gone there is literally nothing to do. Jordan tried out for this local modelling competition because she was so bored, and got sent down to Melbourne for a week or so because she got into the semi finals or something. I wasn't really listening when she told me, I was too busy catching up on the latest episode of The Vampire Diaries. 

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am so bored that I've started watching a tv show online, and to get my mind off Ashton, I've re-attached my love towards Paul Wesley. Okay, so not really. I still sleep in Ashton's shirt every night - It's getting out of hand...And quite smelly. At least my tears have stopped. It's taken two weeks, a new tv show, and a new Tumblr account to finally stop them, but hey. At least it worked. 

It got rough a few nights ago, I woke up to the itching again and I felt completely lost. You know those nights where you fall asleep at 7 then wake up at 10 but you think it's morning so you start getting ready for school? It was kind of like that, but instead of thinking it was the morning, I forgot Ashton was gone and I rolled over to hug him, but when I found the spot empty I started freaking out. After a huge attack of realisation and the odd where are my blades thought, I managed to fall back asleep unharmed. 

I'm pretty proud of myself, really, even though it was only because I buried my blades, but It just proves that I'm strong enough to walk away from self harm, even without my hot drummer of a boyfriend. 

That's another thing, is it bad that I've been avoiding all their calls? You'd think they'd give up because it costs so much to make overseas calls, but the truth is, my phone has been buzzing almost nonstop for the last week and a half. I feel like if I answer it, they'd terrorize me for leaving them all at the terminal, and plus, I don't think i'm ready to hear their voices again. It'll just remind me of how much I want to see them, and then how much I can't see them.

"Do you want to go shopping today?" Chase asked as he lazily walked through my doors with no shirt on. His hair was scruffy and it was clear he hadn't left his bed until now. I paused the series on my laptop screen and watched as he slipped onto my bed effortlessly, though let out a relaxed sigh anyway, "You have the best bed, did you know that?"

"Shopping?" I asked him dryly, "Really?"

"Uh yeah," He chuckled nervously, "You see...Emily is going to be there. I overheard her telling her library buddy about how she's gonna go buy some books or something. Don't worry, I think it's lame too. But I want to see her and maybe talk to her today...You think you could help?"

I grinned, "Hell yeah! Lets go get Chasey a lover" 

"She's not my lover god," He blushed, "It's just a...Thing"

"A thing?" I smirked, "Have you ever spoken to her?"

"Once," He mumbled shyly, "But only because she doesn't give me much of a reason to talk to her. I can't just say hey then not say anything else. Ashton is dumb for making me say that because I looked like a complete idiot in front of her last week. She thinks I'm so weird now"

"You are going to the shops to run into her" I pointed out. He gave me a dry look, "Your words, not mine"

He sighed, "Are you gonna take me or not?"

I shrugged, "Why not little brother" I smiled. 

"Little brother?" His eyes raised in surprised, "I think I like it" He nodded. 

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