Chapter 8 - Realising the real Lola

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The next day zoomed by pretty quickly. I wore a black jumper to school in a way to hide my cuts because this morning i realised i didn't get any bracelets last night. How could I when I was at the hospital? Anyway, that earned me a detention because it wasn't school uniform, but i didn't really mind. Lola had another detention, but this time it wasn't actually her fault.

Apparently some girls wrote stuff on the bathroom walls. Something that Lola would probably write, which meant the teachers automatically turned to her. She didn't mind though. I think she's made best friends with the teacher in there. 

"So, you should come to Lukes house this afternoon with me?" I whispered, making sure the detention teacher wouldn't here us. She got up one of the guys infront of for coughing. You'd think she's be passed the whole pms thing at her age.

"Who's Luke?" She replied in a normal tone. Miss Cole -the teacher- opened her eyes and glared at us from her wooden desk. Lola just poked her tongue out at the old women. I held back a chuckle and focused back on my new friend

"He's a friend..A new friend..Yeah, you should come, I think you'd get on well with them" I explained. I'm not sure if she knew who 5SOS was, but I didn't want to tell her just in case. She might not want to be friends with a band yano? I should at least get her over there before she finds out.

She shrugged "Maybe.. I have to go home first though.. Maybe you could walk with me to mine first?" She asked. I've been wondering what kind of lifestyle Lola's been living at home. Does she have a mum? A dad? Siblings? I'm guessing from the way she acts that they aren't incredibly strict. 

"Yeah, I'll tell Cal to pick us up from your house" I explained.

After I texted Calum the address, our time in this hell hold was pretty much up and we started talking about another topic while we walked out.

You're probably wondering Why Calum and not Ashton? It turns out Calum lives near me. After Luke dropped me home, he pointed out that Calum only lived a few streets away. He texted me this morning and told me that Luke has let him know, and that he'd pick me up this afternoon. 

It actually made me smile that someone actually wanted to be my friend, and isn't just hanging around me because they feel like they need to. It's a new feeling, and i'm glad its finally here. Maybe I won't live my short life alone. 

Right now though, Lola and I are walking back to her place. We have been in a comfortable slience for the last five minutes, but I really wanted to speak up and tell her about what Jordan had said the other day. It's been really eating at me.

I dont get it. If Lola was a cutter, why doesn't she hide her wrists? She doesn't seem to hide any part of her body really, but still. Why does Jordan hate her so much? I guess they have a lot of differences and everything but I didn't get why she hates her that much. Jordan hates everyone that isn't in her little crew, but never as much as Lola. Telling me that I shouldn't hang around her was pretty harsh.

"Why the long jumper?" Lola spoke up suddenly. I looked up from the stone i had been kicking along the ground and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "The jumper that you're wearing..Why are you wearing it? It's really hot today" She continues, obviously picking up my confusion. 

I shrugged, getting self concious again and pulled the sleeves down passed my hands "I was cold this morning" I mumble. She chuckled, but it wasn't a normal chuckle. It was a you're such a bad liar chuckle.

Actually, I was a pretty good liar. Or so I thought. I always got out of things with lies, but maybe i'm losing my touch. That can't happen. No, I need to be able to lie.  I decided to press on the topic and said "What?" I was referring to the chuckle she did. 

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