Chapter 9 - Sleepovers, whineyness and dress shopping ha!

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"Seriously, though I totally beat you on that last round" I laughed, punching Luke lightly on the shoulder. Why would he even think that he would win? I'm obviously the best.

He scoffed and replied "yeah right, I killed you like ten times!" He exclaimed. I chuckled and shook my head in disagreement. That was such a lie...Okay so maybe it was kinda true, but I still won. 

"Guys" Ashton groaned "Can we just get the food now?" I looked at Ashton and nodded. I didn't feel like arguing with him. This is the happiest I've been in a really long time.

We were at KFC doing a food run for everyone, after a hard afternoon of Xbox and ps3. Lola had to leave at around five though, because she worried about her brother. 

I couldn't blame her really..If I had a brother I'd make sure he was safe before I did anything to help myself. I knew it was the same for Lola too, just by the way she panicked and begged Calum to return her to her house. Michael was a little surprised by her sudden outburst and was worrying about her for about an hour after she left..

After she left, I kinda zoned out for a while and started thinking about everything I saw while I was there. My mum treated me like that when she was drunk or high -which by the time I was old enough to understand, was nearly all the time. But when she was sober, she cared for me.


My dad was always the parent to look after me the most. I was "his little angel" but after he died, mum got ten times worse and everything just fell apart. Random men would come over to our house and either hit, or sleep with my mum.

No child should ever live like that.


"Hey, are you okay?" Luke muttered, putting his hand on my arm gently. I jumped at the sudden contact, still kind of caught up in the past moments. 

"Sorry, uh, yeah I'm fine" I told him, trying to give him the most convincing smile I could muster up. Even though he knew, I was still uncomfortable with him being able to know when I'm upset or happy. No one has ever noticed the difference before, so this was strange. 

He nodded, unconvinced and held up the hot food "lets go, Michael will get impatient if we're longer than ten minutes" he chuckled.


After pigging out on KFC and having a few more games of FIFA, I must have fell asleep because the next thing I remember is waking up with my head on Ashtons lap. He was cuddling the couch arm, asleep too.

I quickly slid away from him, hoping no one saw that. What time is it? I thought. I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket and looked at the clock which read 9:17am


Underneath was 20 missed calls from Stella and another 10 from Jason. How do I explain I slept at a house with 4 guys and no parents? This wasn't going to end well. I tiptoed out to the front so that I could speak without waking up the sleeping boy next to me.

"Hello?" Stella's voice asked into the phone. She didn't sound worried or even angry, which worried me. What has she been told?

"Uh..hi" I mumbled. I wasn't sure what to say. What did she know, and how do I keep that lie if  I didn't know what it was?

"Oh, Grace, Hi! How was your night?"

Someone tapped me on the shoulder, which made me jump about a mile high. I turned around and came to face with Luke. He looked like he needed to explain something, so I thought up something on the spot

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