Chapter 21 - Dating

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After telling the five most important people in my life about my past, we all grabbed a bunch of mattresses, blankets and pillows and put them all in Lukes lounge room. Calum and I went to get pizza and movies while the rest stayed at Luke's house. It wasn't a weekend, but neither Lola or I were going to school recently. The last couple of days that Stella had been gone, I haven't bothered with school. I know that isn't good considering our exams are soon, but I've missed out on so much, I'll probably fail right? I'm only sixteen. 

After eating the pizza Calum payed for earlier, we were all cuddled up on the comfy beds watching Sinister.

I was lying between Ashton and Lola, Michael was lying next to her and Luke and Calum were on the couch behind us.

At first I thought things were pretty awkward sitting next to Ashton after what happened last night, but when he put his hand in mine and squeezed it, I got a lot more comfortable.

He still wanted me, even after what I did.

"Cuties" Lola whispered into my ear as she nodded towards our hands. I glared playfully at her and stood up quietly. This movie was way too scary for me. Plus, I wanted more coke.

I walked into the kitchen and found the bottle inside the fridge. When I poured myself some, another cup was put down and I turned to Ashton.

"Can we talk?" He asked me. I nodded, and after I poured his glass, we walked out to the back yard and up onto the roof. Again.

"Do you ever wonder what really goes on up there?" I asked him as we both lied on the bumpy, yet weirdly comfortable metal, staring up into the sky.

"All the time" He smiled, "What always strikes my mind though, is what goes on beyond our milky way. I mean, it's said that ours is just one small opening in another world full of them, but how do they know that? We've only ever gotten as far as the moon" He told me. 

"Do you think we're the only living things in this big bubble of darkness?" I asked him.

"I think we're the only human race, yes. But not the only living creatures. I believe that germs, and mould and diseases are all from outer space. They all didn't grow here, did they? They could have, but I don't believe it. I think people stereotype aliens too much. Every one is expecting some green species with big black eyes, instead of looking at the bigger picture" He told me, "What do you believe?"

I smiled up into the night, "Me? Wow, I don't know really," I chuckled "I guess I believe there are more planets beyond our milky way. I believe that there are other galaxies, but inside those galaxies is exactly the same thing. Even the same people. Like you and me...Well someone that looks like you and me anyways. But they have different personalities. Like instead of Lola being a hardcore chick, she might be nerdy, or posh" I said quietly. "It's stupid" I told him. 

"It's not stupid" He smiled, "I like it" 

"So" I breathed out as we lied there in silence. I liked that we had the previous conversation. It shows that even though we've kissed and stuff, we're still able to be friends, and even though we could possibly date, it wouldn't all be about the relationship. We'd have friendship moments. 

"Do you like me?" He asked. I was a little surprised by his outburst, but turned to him and nodded anyway.

"Yes," I stated, "I do" I wanted him to smile at me, then kiss me and tell me he liked me too. But reality kicked in and he just stared at me with confusion and sadness. 

"Then why did you push me away?" He asked me. This was the part where I realised I had to tell him the truth. I had to tell him about the flashbacks and the reminders of my mother.

"I-..You're going to think I'm stupid" I muttered. 

He looked at me with sorry eyes and said, "I'll never think you're stupid, Grace. Not after everything you've been through" 

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