Cobra x Reader - Drug PT. 2

Start from the beginning

Cobra was able to push his was through the crowd fairly easily and caught up with her in no time. Except he waited before he made a move. He didn't want to make a scene, he also didn't want the first time for them to speak after two years and a horrible if not catastrophic breakup, be in the middle of a crowded sidewalk. Soon the crowd thinned out slightly and he finally felt comfortable to call out her name.

"(Y/n)." It wasn't as loud as he would have liked, but she heard. She also seemed to stop mid walk and a few people crashed into her. However, she did not turn around to face him. Some people gave the two of them a look as they passed, but other than that, no scene. Which was something he was definitely happy about.

When he figured that she would not turn around, he moved to walk around to her. But the second he took a step, she turned in a flash and took a step back. A smile bright across her lips and a very energetic, "Hi!" surfacing with a voice he didn't quite recognize. He didn't recognize the smile either, actually.

"Hi? It's Cobra, I don't know if you remem-"

"I remember!" He thought it would be said with anger, with hatred, or sadness, or even matter a factually. But it was bright and bubbly as if someone was trying to impersonate who she was before he met her.

"Okay... I wanted to say that I'm-" and she once again cut him off. He didn't noticed, but the fingers that she held behind her back were trembling, there was a frog in her throat and she had begun to sweat nervously.

"I have to go! Yes, big appointment!" She began to turn around, picturing the soon freedom she would experience once she was to escape him. But he didn't want to let her go that easily. He grabbed her arm before she fled.

"Wait, I wanted, I need to talk to you about what happened." The bright smile that she wore disappeared and she looked slightly scared. Cobra stared into her wide eyes with so much fire and passion, it was met with anxiety and fear. Her (e/c) orbs looked as though they may break. And with the intensity of his', they very much will.

She was scared if he could feel just how much she was trembling in front of him. She was scarred he wouldn't let go and she'd be engulfed once again, and everything she once was would be ripped away from her one more time. She had never feared something more than now. She tried to rip her arm out of his grasp.

But someone bumped into them and she went slightly off balance. And in order to keep her up straight, Cobra took hold of her other arm, and she knew by then there was no escape. Her throat went dry and she couldn't muster a single sound to call out for help.

"(Y/n)," it physically hurt to hear him say her name just like he used to two years ago, "I'm so incredibly and forever will be, sorry for what I did to you." His words and voice were all comforting, but she felt anything but comforted.

He could feel her tremble under his hold, he now put the answer to the question he had been asking himself since. How much did her ruin her? 

Answer: Completely. He completely and utterly destroyed this girl.

He knew that the best thing for her would just be to let her go, and maybe in time she would heal. But he couldn't deny the attachment, the guilt he felt towards this girl, so he continued. His grip loosened slightly on her arms but not enough where she could escape.

"I need to explain to you what happened. I need to tell you so many things, number one that I'm sorry. I just need you to talk to me again." She told herself not to believe anything that he was saying, no matter how much she wanted to.

He is the enemy, and nothing makes the enemy happier than knowing that they actually hurt their target. So, she tried as best as she could to calm her shaking, to suppress her fear and wear the bright smile that she used to always wear, however it felt like a mask.

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