29. the good girl and the microphone

Start from the beginning

          I can feel him only a few feet behind me. After a few seconds without another word from Archer, I gather up the courage to walk away. I open the door and the kitchen engulf me with it's warmth and smell. I walk through the kitchen, the door closing behind me.

          I walk out of the kitchen and to the counter. There's a customer sitting on the seat behind the counter so I walk to him. "What can I get you?"

          He looks at me with a flirty smile, "How much are you?"

          I chuckle at his question. "I'm really expensive."

         "Just name the price."

          "I'm off limit." I tell him sternly. He raise his hands up in defeat and walk off to join the crowd. I roll my eyes at him and walk out of the counter to clean up tables that has empty plates and cups on it.

          After an hour or so of serving food, taking orders, and cleaning up, I stumble into an empty seat and sit down, enjoying the music. I'm so tired. I've been avoiding Archer, Carter, and Jace all night while working. I hate this. I just want to be able to go wherever I want freely but I don't want to answer any questions from them.

          Right now a guy is on the stage singing a 1975 song. His voice is pretty good. I nod my head, jamming to the song.

          Next thing I know, Archer stumble into the stage, stealing the microphone away from the singer. He looks drunk. I get up from my seat and watch to see what he's planning to do next.

          "Hello everyone!" He slur into the microphone.

          Everyone is giving him looks. A few are whispering about him. I look at Carter and Jace to see them staring at Archer in surprise.

          "There's someone here tonight that I want to introduce to everyone." He looks around the crowd for someone. When his eyes land on me, a grin appear on his face. Oh god. What is he doing?

          He hold the microphone up to this mouth, "Chloe Williams!" Everyone cheer and clap. Carter, Jace, and Sandy's heads turn to me in confusion.

          "What's going on?" Sandy mouth to me from a few feet away. I shrug and shake my head indicating I have no fucking idea.

          "Please welcome Chloe Williams up to the stage!" Archer points to me. Everyone's head turns to me, cheering me on. I put on a nervous smile, shaking my head no.

          "Everyone. For those of you who don't know Chloe, well let me just say, she's something else. Please guide her up to the stage." Archer speak into the microphone. What the hell. I look to Sandy for help. She nods her head towards the stage, telling me to go up. I sigh and walk to the stage.

          One of the employee hand me a microphone as I step up into the stage, standing next to Archer. I can smell the alcohol coming off of him. Archer whisper something to the girl in charge of the music and the girl nod her head and start typing in something into her laptop.

          "Chloe is also a great singer! You'll know just what a great singer she is as we duet on this song." I really want to wipe that smug look off of Archer's face right now. The music starts to play earning a loud cheer from the audience. I look at the small screen in front of Archer and I to see the title of the song and the lyrics.

          Oh dear lord.

          "You walked into the party like you were walking on a yacht!" Archer begin, shouting out the lyrics. The crowd only cheer him on even more.

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