After we hung up, I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling.

I have no idea how I'm going to make it through Harry's tour.

Harry's POV:

I have no idea how I'm going to make it through this tour. I need Sara with me. She should be here, letting me show her around London. Life without her is so dull. She makes everything more exciting because of the enthusiasm she has for anything she's doing.

"You really love her, don't you?" Lou asked.

"Is that even a question?" I replied.

She laughed. "I've never seen you this way before. So you really love her."

"I can't imagine a day that I won't."

Lou's been styling my hair for years. She was our stylist in the band, and she became a very close friend throughout the years. She's seen me through a few relationships. She really liked Sara when she first met her.

"You better marry this girl," Lou had told me.

"Marriage?" I'd asked. "Lou, we just started dating a few months ago."

"And you've already written two songs for her," she retorted.

I sighed, "I don't want to scare her off by talking about marriage or anything. She's got a lot going on right now."

"Love her through it, and don't tell me you don't love her because I see the way you look at her. Love her through whatever she has going on, and marry her someday. She's good for you."

"I can't say that I love her," I confessed.

"Why not? Every girl wants to hear that," Lou responded.

"The first night we met she told me she didn't want to fall in love, and I don't want to say I love her and make her leave me."

Lou had just sighed and shook her head before saying, "You'll tell her eventually, because if she doesn't fall in love with you she's crazy."

Needless to say, Lou was ecstatic when she heard that Sara and I were engaged.

After I got to my hotel, I texted Gemma to see if she wanted to meet for lunch or dinner.

*Me: Just got to my hotel in London. Can you meet for lunch or dinner?*

*Gemma: Dinner at my place okay? I'm cooking*

*Me: Sounds good. What time?*

*Gemma: 7:30. Mum and Robin will be there too.*

*Me: See you then.*

I looked over at the clock. It was almost 7am and I hadn't really slept on the 12 hour flight. I didn't have any interviews until tomorrow, so I decided to get some sleep. I laid down on the giant bed and closed my eyes.

I woke up to my phone ringing.

"Hello?" I said.

"You were sleeping, weren't you?" Sara asked. "I'm so sorry, I'll call you later."

"No, Sara, don't hang up," I chuckled.

"You need your rest," she protested.

"I should be getting up anyways. I'm going over to Gemma's for dinner tonight."

"Oh that's great!"

"So, why'd you call?" I asked.

"Oh, right," Sara said. "I just missed you and needed someone to talk to. It's pretty boring here without you."

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