Chapter 20

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"Take it slow, Clover. Think you'll smash us to the nearest tree." Dr. Parker frowned as he sat on the passenger seat next to a guy with a blue bandana.

"Don't you worry, doc. I'm supposed to drop you two safely to Ethan's place." He spoke, staring straight on the road, and speeding up the car.

"How's he?" Dr. Parker sighed. "Haven't seen him since I left home."

"He's doing very well, doc. Talks about you at dinner sometimes. He misses you."

"Would you mind if I play this?" Dr. Parker pointed towards the radio.

"If I were you, I wouldn't have played that. Noise attracts them." He stated.

"Alright." He leaned back in his seat.

"When are we reaching?" I questioned, staring at the blackness outside.

"One more hour."

"One more hour and no music?" He sighed as he leaned back on his seat. "I've already spent the last two hours, silently watching nothing but the empty roads."

"I don't think so you've been outside lately. And we're fortunate that the roads are empty today." Clover speeded up the car.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't you mock me." Dr. Parker put his hands up, smirking at him. "Aren't you two hungry?"

"No." I stated.

I didn't feel hunger. At all. I just wanted to go to a safe place for now. I've had enough bad experiences in this new world. Now my brain & my body just wanted to relax, somewhere calm and quiet.

"Will you please stop at the nearest store, Clover?" He frowned. "A man needs to pee."

"I'm not supposed to stop until we reach New York." He kept his eyes on the road.

"Damn! You don't understand." Dr. Parker sighed. "Peeing is important for me, right now. Or you'll have to bear the stench in the car if I wet my pants."

"Okay." Hesitantly, Clover pulled out on the roadside.

"What?" Dr. Parker frowned.

"Do it. We'll wait. But don't take too long." He said blankly.

Dr. Parker got out of the car grimly and went behind a tree.

I didn't know how long did it actually take to reach New York. A soft nudge woke me up.

"What is it?" I yawned, opening my eyes and seeing Dr. Parker before me.

"We're here." He smiled and opened the door for me.

"Rech!" I heard a very familiar voice call out my name.

"Yorik?" I felt so relieved, seeing him happy and peaceful.

He came running to me and caught me in a bear hug.

"Can't believe that you're okay. Thought I would never see you again." He kissed my forehead.

I felt a pang in my chest. I tried to put that feeling aside and think of Yorik.

"Me too." I pressed my cheeks on his chest.

"Come on in." Dr. Parker said, and I looked at my surroundings for the first time, since I got out of the car.

It was green- greenery hit my eyes everywhere I looked. In front of me, was an one storied house, it's painting had peeled at several places. It was an old fashioned house which badly needed improvements.

"What is this place?" I inquired, staring wide eyed at the house.

"This is Ethan's place. We're still on the outskirts of New York. The main city is in ruins, he said. This is a bushy forested area that'll keep us safe, as this house is not visible from the outside." Clover, who I didn't notice earlier, came out of the house, holding a glass of red wine.

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