Chapter 18

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"Bring me the syringe, Amanda."

"Yes, doc."

"Also, a pack of cotton."

"I will."

"Make sure the girl's okay. We need her healthy. The others doesn't matter."

"Okay, doc. I'll keep the serum ready."

Slowly, I opened my eyes. Everything seemed to be blurry. For a second, I wondered who or where I was. I didn't know how I got into that bed or how I got into these clothes. It was a blue hospital gown, which hung loosely on my body.

Then, everything started to come back to life. I was in a lab earlier and saw a weird test tube machine which Dr. Parker was operating. I'd been searching for my boyfriend, my best friend and Alicia, a friend.

Alicia. There was an announcement back in the lab about her unconsciousness. Where was she?

My eyes could finally function well to check the surrounding area.

It was a room. A medium sized room. Brightly lit and painted white with false ceiling. There were a few desks full of shiny instruments which I couldn't see due to the long gap.

I turned my head to the right and saw another bed at a distance and someone was lying on it. Someone who was covered in a bedsheet from head to foot.

A dead body!

A chill went down my spine and I quickly looked away.

Was I laying in the same room with a dead body?

There wasn't anyone else in the room except for us. I felt a lump in my throat as I tried to breath harder.

I should leave this place immediately, I thought.

As I tried to push myself up, I felt a sharp pain in my head which made me lie down again, without another thought.

I couldn't do this.

"She's awake." I heard a whisper from somewhere around me, but couldn't see anyone.

My head felt heavier than before and something itched in my forearm. Before I could make out what it was, someone held me softly by my shoulders and put me on the pillow.

"Who's it?" I whispered.

"Don't talk." I heard a similar voice. "You'll be alright."

Dr. Parker!

"What's happening to me?" I wanted to yell, but only mumblings came out.

"Sshh!" He slowly ran his fingers on my forehead. "I'm here. Just close your eyes and stay where you're."

I still managed to keep my eyes open a bit and heard the door open. 

"Doc, here's your syringe and cotton. Shall we proceed?" A female figure who I'd never seen before, asked, staring at me curiously.

"Is she awake?" She asked again.

I could feel her palm on my forehead which was cold. Insanely cold. I winced.

"Careful, Amanda." Dr. Parker said curtly. "She has high fever. A side effect maybe."

"Yes, I can see that. Then what about the procedure?" There was a hint of fear in her voice.

"Not now. Let her get well. I've already given her an antibiotic tablet." He sighed.

"Okay, I'll go in my room then. Call me if you need anything." And she left with a grumpy expression on her face.  
Once she was out of sight, Dr. Parker lifted my shoulders and adjusted the soft pillow underneath.

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