Chapter 17

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I sat upright on the bed, clutching my phone tightly, and reading Sam's last message for the tenth time.

Killers? Was she even serious? The only killers I could imagine right now were the Zombies.

What are you talking about Sam? Just tell me whr u r.

I typed and sat, tapping my foot on the soft carpet on the floor.

Again, there wasn't any reply.

I had to do something. The WiFi signal was still present on my phone.

I quickly looked for our current location on Google Maps, but it didn't load.

Seems like you have a poor connection.

Duh! What was I supposed to do?

Knock, knock.

Two knocks and the door opened slightly, revealing Liz.

"Liz?" I frowned, staring at her.

She was carrying a food tray which she placed on the table before me.

"Brought you some food." She smiled.

"Thanks." I nodded. "Well, do you have any idea where my friends are?"

Her smile faded for a second.

"They're in their rooms." She tried to smile.

"If they are, then why didn't anyone open the door when I knocked?" I asked curtly, unable to keep my anger within.

Her face fell, but still she plastered a fake smile.

"They must be asleep. The whole facility is air conditioned. And after a whole tiresome day, who wouldn't like to sleep under cool mattresses?"

"Yes, I think you're right." I tried to keep my voice as doubtless as possible. "Thanks for the food again."

"No problem." She started walking towards the door.

"Don't go loitering around on your own." She whispered before leaving my room.

Two bananas. A bowl full of chicken soup. Two slices of bread.

That was a lot.

Suddenly, hunger crept all over me and my stomach started giving out growling noises, just by staring at the tray.

I couldn't imagine that I was so hungry and have not eaten anything since morning.

After gulping everything down in a few minutes, I decided to take a look on the floor I was staying in. I also remembered about Liz's warning of not to loiter around.

Why did she say that? Did that mean this place was dangerous?

I opened the door and peeped outside on both the directions. The corridor to my right, now that I noticed, had taken a turn somewhere inside.

I slowly walked in that direction until I reached the turn.

There was a single steel door ahead. It was a dead end. A red light blinked in the corner of the wall, near the door.

CCTV camera. Shit!

I quickly leaned back against the nearest wall to protect myself from being spotted.

The light blinked at every two seconds and the head of the camera didn't turn around.

I wanted to check what was inside that door. Why did Sam text me that there were killers inside? What did she see? So many questions jammed my head.

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