Avony Chapter 17: Running

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Derek was the only one who really mattered the most to me and I couldn’t put any one in danger so I had to think of the deal and I had to tell him I had given Blake my word to get his sister and I knew that I had to keep it. I really didn’t take that long to find him but when I did I had no clue what I would say and I knew he would try to get me not to go but I had to and I had to do it alone and I knew that if he couldn’t talk me out of it he would try to go with me.

“Derek…. I…. I….. I need to talk to you about something and I thought you should be the only one to know but you have to make a promise to me first….”

“Avony what is it I’ll do anything ok just tell me maybe I can help.”

“First you HAVE to promise you won’t try to talk me out of it or try to help or anything unless I say so and you have to promise to look after everyone ok….”

“Avony, baby you’re starting to scare me but I guess I have to promise so I do promise that I will do everything you say as long as it is reasonable.”

“Ok” then I took a deep shaky breath, “I'm leaving…. I made a promise that his sister would be ok and I have to keep it I know that it sounds crazy but I know where some of the labs are and I have to try to at least but…. I have to do it on my own…”

“No. You… You CAN’T you have to take someone with you ANYONE I need to know that you are going to be safe!”

“No! I can’t put anyone in danger and I can handle myself! BUT I REFUSE TO PUT ANYONE OTHER THAN MYSELF IN HARMES WAY….. Because I can’t lose anyone else and I won’t if they are safe here with you Kyle and Blake to protect them… Oh and no one is to leave or know that I'm gone if I'm not back by tomorrow night then you may spread word that I'm no longer here….”

“Why…. Why do you do that you push people away to make sure they don’t get hurt but they may get hurt anyway and I can’t let you go…. I won’t I refuse I need you.”

“Yeah well we need more people and Blake needs his sister and I don’t think anyone, ANYONE should have to go through what I had to and I won’t stand by while it happens!”

“So when do you leave?”

“Right now I just wanted to say goodbye and that…. I love you and no distance will change that.”

                     Then as I was about to walk away he grabbed me by the hips, turned me bake to face him and he kissed me and I was so frightened by the thought that it may be our last. So I kissed him back and then I turned away so I didn’t have to see his face. Then I took off as fast as I could and I think I reached to ocean in five minutes tops and I got over the ocean in twenty minutes and that’s when I took a break for an hour. I was a little scared to go back to the place I not only grew up but also was tortured.

                       I went back to the town that I meet Derek and Louise at and got some food and water because I wasn’t really sure how long I would have to wait for another meal. After my food settled a little I was off and I knew exactly where I was going and where I would stop because I remembered where it was and what it looked like to the outside world. It was a secluded fenced in warehouse that looked normal in every way but when you entered you had to go down a flight of stairs then past a level that was filled with just guards. Then you went down three more flights of stairs and were in the level where they do most of the monitoring all the levels above and below it. I knew if I wanted to help anyone I had to take their sever down then disable all the cameras. Take out some guards on the lower levels disable all the alarms get everyone out of the testing rooms and cells and destroy this place once and for all.

                     I was a little glad that I knew a few brilliant hackers I got them all on the phone at once and I told them that I needed help hacking and turning off EVERYTHING in a certain range of land I had a total of twenty hackers helping me and they were everywhere across the world and the only reason they helped is because I was “family” by my parents and they knew that I meant business and if they got caught prison time would be in the equation each would hack a different part of the system and shut it down. I told them I needed enough time to get out about five thousand people under ground out while taking out guards and going down fifty levels and getting people out and then having to place a lot of bombs on each level and I needed time to do all of this and to make sure no one was left behind. They all agreed and said who was hacking what levels and what alarms and the cells doors on all levels because they were all connected in sections but were all deactivated when there were power outs all that they all knew each other because of my parents and family that were blood related.

                     I wanted to start at the bottom levels and work my way up I realized that my family would be having dinner about now so I decide to call the disposable phone I hid where Derek would find it so I called and it only took one ring before someone picked up.


“Yes who is this?”

“It’s me…. Avony”

“Avony how did you… I was so worried about you.”

“Hey so after I hang up you need to crush that phone ok but I just called to tell you that my trip my take a little longer than expected and thought you should know and tell Louise that I love her and I will be back as soon as I can and tell Kyle that I miss him and that I have left and tell them not to tell a soul ok and I will be home as soon as I can I promise.”

“Avony be safe ok and come home in one piece I love you.”

“Love you more I will see you soon.”

                     Then I hung up and took off to town to see if I could get some supplies like gun powder, gasoline, lighter fluid, some guns and ammo for them, matches rope, and hand grenades which were not as easy to find as I though. Then I knew I was ready to start the plan and I called the hackers and I told them I need the alarms and cells and all power in a five hundred mile radius to go out in two minutes or less and the said it was possible then I need them to make sure that there were no servers online in the area and that I needed them to make sure that the computers in the area were down and all alarms in a two hundred mile radius were off.

The RunnerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin