Chapter 2: A Misfit Family

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The next morning Derek was gone and the sun was out I asked Louise if she knew where he was, she told me he was out in the stream that goes right by the back of the barn. So I went and looked for him, when he heard me coming he spun around.

“Don’t you know it’s rude to spy on people?”

“I was NOT spying I was just concerned for your well being.”

“Oh well then turn around and NO peeking…”

“Don’t flatter yourself Derek you’re not my type.”

“Oh in that case peek all you want.”

I turned bright red and put my feet in the stream the water was cool and soothing. He was only in his boxers when he came and sat on the edge of the water with me. He asked “How did your parents die?” I knew the answer for both because I was there but I never told anybody and I thought I was not ready to tell him but I did anyway “well first my sister was killed in a fire and I was just badly burned by it…. When I woke up my mom was by my side and crying when I touched her hand she stopped and looked at me with a smile and then a man came in and then his gun came to her head and he pulled the trigger and I jumped out of my window landing on a car. After about a year that happened I was at home it was Saturday me and my dad were watching morning cartoons Tom and Jerry was on we were laughing and eating breakfast then the next thing I knew men were outside my dad told me to hide so I did the men were in suits and some in trench coats and they all poured in at once and my dad was shot right in front of me. Like my mom was so after that I ran” and without realizing it I was crying and Derek was hugging me and running his fingers through my hair. The next thing I knew his lips were on mine and they were perfect and then we parted and he was bright red and looking in my eyes shyly and it made the moment perfect. I started to smile and he did the same. Then Louise came running up to us and told us and said the one thing that slapped me back into the real world she said that the suites were coming. Then I put Derek on my back and swooped Louise into my arms and ran as faster than I have ever had before because I realized I had a new family and this time I was able to protect them and I did not want any harm to come up on them so I ran with them. I ran and ran and ran some more because this was what I thought was best for them I felt the need to protect them at all cost and I did.

                        After about 5,000 miles my feet felt like they were going to either catch on fire or start to bleed. So I found a town and found a warehouse that looked forgotten so I walked in with them. After I put them down they looked like they were going to faint or have a heart attack. They screamed all at the same time it looked funny and bad at the same time.

“Ok I can explain all of this and answer all or almost all question you have just done freak out ok…”

            “Ok can you explain how you can run that fast, or who those men are, or why are like you are, and why are they after you?”  Derek asked.

            “Yes to all of the above first those men that are after me because I can run so fast because they made it possible for me to out run anything and everything and the reason they want me is because I’m the only one who ever survived the experiments that they did to make me the way I am.”

            “Ok so they are after you because you survived something and became a better runner and what else exactly?” Derek asked with a rather confused and scared look on his face.

            “Well I’m super strong…”

            “How strong are you exactly?”

            “Like the empire state building, statue of liberty, and the moon combined make a paper wait strong.”


            “Louise do you have ANY questions because I’m an open book”

            “Uuuummmmm well can you fly or are you faster than light or how about how old are you and are we here because we have to be or because we can be and are you a good guy or a bad guy?”

            “No I can’t fly, I am faster than light, I’m 15 years old, and you are here because you can be and I’m trying to keep you both safe from those guys in the suits and I think I’m a good guy because I don’t hurt people for no reason because I hate being in conflicts or fights when I don’t need to be. Ok so any other questions because we can’t stay here long because it’s NOT safe in the states any more so we REALLY need to get a move on after one night here ok. Ok.”

            “Ok and why are we not safe in the states exactly?” Derek asked.

            “Because we are too easy to find here so we need to leave this continent ok”

            “Ok no more questions except when do we leave?” Derek has been asking all the right questions and no wrong ones which is good, wait no GREAT.

            “ At dawn tomorrow and I’m not telling you where we are till we get there and now get some rest, BOTH of you because I know pressure points on where to knock you out so try and get some sleep.”

I just stay up and look at the stars because me and my dad and mom and sister use to sit out on our balcony and just stay there for hours and try to count all the stars or find hidden pictures in them and we did this for hours at a time. I’ll go and steal breakfast for all of us which is a bag of every kind of donuts and cinnamon rolls at a convenient store had then I find a thrift shop an pick up clothes for all seasons and swim suits to I also get a camping pack and a couple first aid kits and water bottles and then I go back to the warehouse. I get back just before the sun stars to rise and Derek is up so I sit with him and watch it come up with him in silence. After it is all the way up we both wake up Louise and leave. We get to the coast around high noon which is really great timing because there is a low tide. We rest a little and Louise is a sleep in the huge backpack which is fine by me. We sit on the beach and eat what was meant for breakfast and we save a lot for Louise for when she wakes up.

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