Chapter 14: Freedom Has A Price

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When I woke up I was covered in a cold sweat and was in pitch black. I felt around me and hoped it was night and I wasn’t alone then Derek whispered to me, “Hey are you ok baby , your burning up?”  And all I did was smile at first.

“Yeah what time is it?”

“Just before dusk  if you want the sun will come up in a half hour and me and you can watch it?”

“I wouldn’t want to start my day any other way.”

                      As we sat there waiting on the sun hand in hand not needing to break the silence because everything was perfect at the moment. Then I looked at him curiously and smiled because he looked good, perfect actually because he was safe and normal and his eyes were bright and happy and perfect. Then I saw the sun just peeking up from the far away horizon and it was better than a sunset because it was a sign of a bright day and not a dark night.

“Hey Avony?”


“How come you helped me and everyone else here?”

“Because, I was mistreated by people who are suppose to be good and then I realized   that just because they are suppose to be that way doesn’t mean they are and I wanted to help.”

“Well thank you for saving me, from that day in the rain and every day after that.”



“Why did you come with me before you even knew me?”

“Because… I saw the look in your eyes and it gave me hope that things could be different and you looked so familiar and I thought I knew you or at least if I didn’t then I wanted to…. I know it sounds crazy but I swear that I have seen you before or I have at least seen your eyes somewhere.”

“Really where?”

“Well a few years back this girl with purple eyes saved my life and she just appeared out of thin air and took my breath away.”

“You remember that, I mean I really thought that people had forgot about me after I did that I mean I really thought no one would even think twice about it and I was so scared that people would put in the paper and I would be found and, and, and……”

“Well they did put it in the paper and all they could say was mysterious girl saves young local boy’s life and I couldn’t stop thinking about you I mean you saved my life and I wanted to know who saved me I mean I was pretty much dead till you showed up and then I had no clue how to find you and believe me I looked it just like I found someone to give me hope.”

“Well I was watching you some after that… BUT only for a little to make sure you were ok.”

                     After that he kissed me and then we stood up and slow danced in the sun rise and we stayed that way for what seemed like hours till we went back to camp I found everyone eating Mac & Cheese and eggs and sausage and they were all talking to people around them not caring about age or any of that other life because they were bounding and that was good enough for me.


                     About ten minutes later all the group leaders where in my tent, there were also a few people from my team including Derek, Louise, Blake, and Kyle. They all still had smiles and I was glad because they were happy. 

“Ok so you are all probably wondering why I have called you here today.”

                     Everyone shared murmurs oh agreement and curiosity filled their eyes and they were still smiling. Then I told them that everyone needed a fun day so that is why I called everyone but I was going to need help to set it up and I wanted to tell them that since they were the leaders that they were the first to be on the job and that they were not to tell anyone till the job was done. Then I started to tell everyone what their jobs would be and no one complained at all and they were all cheering and smiling.

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