Louise Chapter 16: Secrets Of The Kiss

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Blake was there and he was just sitting and not looking at me and I was terrified that he really didn’t like me as much as I did him so I deiced to take a chance and I was so scared I couldn’t breathe and I think he saw me trying to catch my breath and he stood in front of me and his voice was calf and smooth yet rough and it was really sweet.

“Hey are you ok Louise” oh how I LOVED the way he said my name, “ hey look at me  take a deep breath.” I did and I took in his eyes and I noticed he was wearing the cologne I told him I love.

“ You remembered” I was smiling and turning red and I didn’t care because he remembered how much I love it on him and then I finally realized a was giggling.

“How could I forget, I remember everything you say and just everything about you in general because I can’t stop thinking of you for over half a second.”

                     After that I got my answer and I loved it, then out of no wear he leaned in ever so slowly and I leaned and kissed him and it was as if he were so unsure what he was doing with himself. So I parted and I was laughing a little.

                     “Here give me your hands” and he helped me stand up and I was still holding his hands as I tugged him to the nearest tree. “You put your hands here” I said as I took his hands and placed them on my waist and put my hands around him neck and I could tell he was a little nervous but I made him lock eyes with me and then we leaned again but this time it felt more natural and are lips just meat and I knew how I was teasing him because every time I gave him a little peck he would smile and then he pulled his body and my together and it was as if them found a way to fit together perfectly and we kissed for what seemed like forever sharing the breath as if we need it to be shared like it was meant to be shared and we did as long as we could till we realized it was now dark and all the lights were going out and we walked as slow as we could back and it was a great night, the best night actually if I may say so myself and then it ended as we got to my tent.

“Until tomorrow night or morning?” an all I could do was smile and nod.

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