Season 2 Chapter 9

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Parker POV

Finally, after waiting for so many years, I got the best wife ever by my side. Kwon Areum!! The love of my life and the mother of my future kids. Words couldn't describe how much happiness I felt at this moment when she became mine officially. There we are now, in Australia for our honeymoon.

Right now, I was lying in the bed, waiting for Areum to get out of the bathroom. Apparently she went to change into comfort clothes. I was whistling the rhythm of "Fuck It" in my head when suddenly the door of the bathroom opened to beautiful wife in an...indecent dress. Her boobs were almost showing out; just remove the cloth a little and her nipples would appear clearly. Her dress ended at the length of her laced black panties. Dang chic she looks...😋

She slowly advanced towards me with a delightful smile yet which had a very...dirty meaning. Gentleman as I am, I got up and greeted my lady with a sweet we start

Areum POV

Immediately he pinned me against the nearby wall and started kissing me sweetly on my plump lips so no need to say that I kissed back. His eager hands moved from my waist to my stomach to my neck to my hair where as my hands were playing with his soft hair. His lips was forcing his way in my mouth until he started to force his tongue in my mouth. I regretted that I gave him permission to enter in as he was fighting my tongue for dominance. My thong was already fucking wet. Little by little, he started to unbutton my blouse and I kinda facilitated his work ad I began to help him in undressing myself.

After he undressed my robe, he saw my exposed chest which was huge turn on. I mean the look in his eyes,was pure LUST. I blushed a deep red and tried to hide my red cheeks but he blocked my hands from huding and stared at my boobs like a pervert would do. He smirked at that sight and started to suck my nipples. I moaned loudly that I couldn't believe myself. Next step, he carried me to my bed and placed me on the bed. Then he undressed himself even his boxer. Wow I know someone who is very impatient. Just when I was about to get wetter than I already was, he picked me up and made me sat on his lap which helped him to penetrate me in a single movement. The pain I was feeling was nothing compared to the pleasure I felt just some seconds later. Seeing me in a horny mood, he started to move my body up and down. We both were moaning messes. We kept thrusting in and out until I could feel that I reached my climax. A while later, we both cummed and we both pulled away, resting breathlessly on the bed, replaying this amazing moment.

But it wasn't over for the night.

Suddenly he got up from the bed and fetched something from his handbag, lying on the floor. Dang his HUGE friend was tangling back and forth.

As I was too tired to inquire, I just closed closed my eyes and rested until I felt a cold surface against my skin which sent shivers down my spine. I immediately opened my eyes to see Parker tying a blindold around my half-closed eyes. He kissed my temple lightly anf whispered in a seductive voice "Now i want you honey, to scream my name as loud as you can BUT no cumming not until i said so"

Before i could even reply, he began to lick my aroused pussy passionately. Just when I tried to move my hands, the cold feeling came back but this time, on the hands instead. Damn him! He locked me...

The feeling was increasing gradually in my stomach until I couldn't hold back anymore.  "I....nee..d...t..o....CUM!!" I released as soon as I said so.

He licked me up all clean after exhaling a breath of....warm air.

" i told you not to cum until i said so. Now look what you did, daddy will need yo punish you now" he said with a terrible pervert smirk.

Without any warning, he thrusted himself completely inside of me. My moans became restless. My voice was stuck inside of my voice box. My breath was flowing non uniformly. His thrusts was getting harder and more harder which became damn pleasuring. Finally after sometime, he ordered me to cum and at that precise moment, we both did so breathlessly. Then he fell all exhausted on me. His sweaty body against mine was surely a turn on to me. But i couldn't cum anymore. My pussy was so sore that I didn't feel anything any longer.

After hearing my abnormal heartbeats, he removed my blindfold and unlocked the handcuffs.

But I was too tired to lift up even the little finger. Instead I rested on my back with his face in between my boobs. Though his breath was tickling me, I couldn't laugh or giggle. My whole body was too sore.

I only remembered him saying "Best Night Ever" before I entered into the world of deep sleep.

No doubt it was my best night too. How lucky am I to have married Parker...

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