Season 1 Chapter 19

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Finally today is the awaited day that I've always dreamt of, the Day of my Marriage with the love of my life, the lady I wanna spend with old days with, the woman who I want my children to call 'eomma' and the girl who I've fallen in love in my young age and today is the day I'm gonna her.

Yes I'm gonna marry that girl and guess who she is? Woohoo, ya guess right. My one and only crush since long time, my delicate sweet Elizabeth, the famous Fashion Designer of England, she's gonna marry me, a kpop idol.

Today I woke up relatively earlier than usual, both excited and nervous. Excited because I was going to enter into another level of life and nervous because this day is gonna be marked in my existence permanently. Even Sol who is known to wake up very early, wasn't yet woken up.

After slipping on my sandals, I walked to the terrace where I enjoyed the amazing view of Seoul from our house. My god, it's the last time I'd be waking up here now since I'll go living in my villa now with Elizabeth.

After sometimes of thinking deeply, I returned inside to see GD heading downstairs. Since he was far away, I walked downstairs instead of chasing him. Once downstairs, I was welcomed by the boys greeting me warmly at the table with food already cooked. I was very touched and emotional. Of course we had our group hug before starting that delicious breakfast prepared by our chef themselves, Sol and Daesung.

Enjoying breakfast with your loved ones are best. Believe me !


" almost ready" I shouted enough loud for Sol to hear.

Finally the time arrived. The time for my marriage arrived. I was getting dressed in my suit while GD was beside me, carefully guarding my box ring.

Finally I was over with my hair. Damn Daniel!

Seeing the time, we all immediately rushed to our car and drove to the hall.

Once there, I was amazed by its beauty and hugeness. My god!! It was so beautiful

Immediately after GD, Sol and I for out of the car, Daesung and Maknae drove somewhere, I guess to fetch Elizabeth at Hyorin's place. Oh shoot....the time was coming closer and closer.

After taking a deep breath, I entered in with the two behind, as if an escort. So many people were watching me walking in. The media kept snapping pic from different angles of us, specially me. Wow never thought something like that.

At the front seat were my parents and those of the other boys. Naturally we stopped on our track and hugged/greeted them. And then I walked to the aisle where the priest was standing patiently for the ceremony to start.

In the meantime, I was adjusting my suit perfectly, my little flower at the side, checking whether was perfect with GD and Sol and finally checked with GD about the ring.

The hall was full of cheery talks when suddenly the sound of the orchestra started playing and the door opened to reveal the most beautiful lady of my life, Elizabeth in her wedding dress...

Finally my dream was becoming true...

The Arranged Marriage [COMPLETED] ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang